I don’t understand why they don’t use an age verification provider like PostIdent for 18+ titles
Yep, they know fully well that their base audience wants mod support as a central feature. Let’s see how badly 505 f’s it up
Yep, no endorsement of piracy whatsoever. Just showing how to set up emus.
-can emulate it on a toaster
Alternativ ggf. selber lösen durch einen USB-Switch für Peripherie und einen HDMI/DP-Switch für Videosignal. Gibt es beides auch mit Schalter, der per Kabel an eine zugängliche Stelle gelegt werden kann
Straßenverkehr verbieten. Es braucht dringend Grenzkontrollen, um Autofahrer an den Stadtgrenzen anzufangen und in ihre Heimatkreise zurück zu eskortieren
Saw The Wild Robot at sneak peek at my local cinema. Was a surprise, but really charming
Also new showreel/trailer for the game https://youtu.be/4ms-LHkN6YQ
My guess is it’ll work on any RTX card and on RX 5000 and up in ‘full’ mode
Warum nicht “Festkörperbatterie”?
Not the same, but Into The Breach has become the one game I regularly return to. The ruleset is so simple and everything is laid out, including anticipating opponent moves. Just a great series of small puzzles
Could have been a cool single player game
This will take forever to load in Hunt Showdown
shapez 2. It’s great!
Underrated gem
What else should it be, 99+?