I want to say Alacritty+zellij but have not even tried that lol.
Konsole. It just works, has profiles etc. I highly recommend to change it to “launch every window in same process” to avoid multiple windows, create a new desktop entry replacing “konsole” with “konsole --new-tab”.
And also learn Desktop actions, its very cool!
I have a profile with different colors that starts in my Distrobox.
Plasma will still display “open new window” which will instead open a new tab. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+t will also open a new tab, just as opening from Dolphin etc. Perfection!
Note that Konsole will pull in tons of dependencies, you may want to use XFCEs Terminal if you dont want that. Alacritty has no tabs which I find annoying (I hate windows).
I want to say Alacritty+zellij but have not even tried that lol.
Konsole. It just works, has profiles etc. I highly recommend to change it to “launch every window in same process” to avoid multiple windows, create a new desktop entry replacing “konsole” with “konsole --new-tab”.
And also learn Desktop actions, its very cool!
I have a profile with different colors that starts in my Distrobox.
my example desktop entry
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application TryExec=konsole Exec=konsole --new-tab Icon=utilities-terminal Categories=System;TerminalEmulator; Actions=FedoraBox;root;ssh; X-DocPath=konsole/index.html X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique X-KDE-AuthorizeAction=shell_access X-KDE-Shortcuts=Ctrl+Alt+T StartupWMClass=konsole Keywords=terminal;console;script;run;execute;command;command-line;commandline;cli;bash;sh;shell;zsh;cmd;command prompt Name=Konsole GenericName=Terminal Comment=Command line access [Desktop Action FedoraBox] Name=Distrobox Icon=fedora-logo-icon Exec=konsole --profile Fedora-Box [Desktop Action root] Name=root Terminal Icon=folder-root-symbolic Exec=konsole -e pkexec $SHELL #or define a shell [Desktop Action ssh] Name=ssh to X Icon=folder-remote-symbolic Exec=konsole -e ssh user@IP:PORT -i /path/to/key
Plasma will still display “open new window” which will instead open a new tab. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+t will also open a new tab, just as opening from Dolphin etc. Perfection!
Note that Konsole will pull in tons of dependencies, you may want to use XFCEs Terminal if you dont want that. Alacritty has no tabs which I find annoying (I hate windows).