This article was written in the sense of bashing gnome but yet some points seem to be valid. It explains the history of gtk 1 to 4 and the influence of gnome in gtk. I’m not saying gnome is bad here, instead I find this an interesting to read and I’m sharing it.

    9 months ago

    Forking GTK*, and/or forward-porting parts from “the good old days” sounds great in theory, but who’s going to do it? Who’s going to maintain it?

    Off the top of my head, the MATE team is growing at a rate of, what, 1 developer a year? All volunteers too.

    GNOME (and thus GTK) have hundreds of developers, many of which are paid to work on it. To expect them to stop and wait for us is unreasonable when we’re the ones that chose this path.

    I think this quote makes a lot of sense. Btw the author of that shitpost just called that person a “fucking idiot”.

    Please delete that post. Interesting history but I am sure there will be a way better perspective to tell it, than this piece of hatespeech garbarge.

    I ask you to change that post to a link that is not full of harrassments.