Todd Howard: “You may need to upgrade your PC for this game”

    11 months ago

    Haven’t played Starfield yet, but comparing a small handrcafted world to a huge procedural generated world is like comparing a single screenshot from a movie to a single realistic painting. It doesn’t mean that Starfield is good, just that it’s not a fair comparison.

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      There’s no excuse for not improving the water system since they released Skyrim. With that budget, it should’ve been doable. I mean, look at that. It looks like sewage.

    11 months ago

    Elex is one of the most un-fun games I’ve ever played. Sure, it looked nice. But that doesn’t help with weak gameplay and bad writing.

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      Yeah, it’s from the studio that made the Gothic series. Not everyone likes the “Eurojank” and I get it. I like the writing so far, have just started playing it. But I already died a lot.

      • as a German guy, who grew up with the original gothic being an integral part of gaming culture, what is the “eurojank”?

        At the time Gothic was remarkable not only for the densely packed and authentic world, but also for the character really having to work from rags to riches in how the NPCs responded to him.

        • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
          11 months ago

          what is the “eurojank”?

          It’s an equivalent to “slav jank” I just made up. :)

          Gothic/Risen/Elex have a specific formula that can be frustrating at times. You get thrown into a big world as an absolute nobody so your first instinct might be to “just explore” like you’re doing it in a lot of modern RPG’s. But because of the enemy placement you will die very soon. Which means you are confined to a pretty small space in the beginning and you have to talk to other people and use their help to continue with your quest.

          You’ll also have to do some backtracking in these games and talk to people multiple times to resolve their conflict. I guess some people really don’t have the patience for that.

          Personally, I love these kinds of games. It’s immensely rewarding to start out as a total weakling that gets killed by a some rats and in the end be the overpowered superhero. Other games (looking at you, Fallout 4) just give you big armor in the first few minutes of the game and throw a high-level enemy at you (yes, I’m still annoyed by the FO4 “Deathclaw” encounter after playing New Vegas. It’s such bullshit.).

          But I understand that some people just want to have fun and blast some enemies.

          • Okay that makes sense. I love it that pyranha bytes manages to make small and densely packed worlds, where places retain meaning even after you did most of the things there. This way it feels more immersive to me, than the go place, do things, go next place, do things way of doing a world.

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      I get what he’s saying but I didn’t post this to shit on the game (because I actually enjoyed it). This is a fun meme community and some die-hard fans are taking this waaay too seriously.

      He’s also saying “Starfield can’t have the same amount of microdetail everywhere” because of it’s scope and that is certainly true…but water looks really bad throughout the whole game. I wouldn’t call that “micro” ;) Bethesda clearly didn’t put enough resources into this or maybe they had problems implementing better water into the game engine.

        • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
          11 months ago

          I was confused because they’re both ugly screenshots.

          Something must be wrong with your eyes then. Elex looks really solid for a small-budget game that’s six years old.

    11 months ago

    It really starts to hurt physically when you start comparing starfield to cdpr games like witcher 3 or Cyberpunk…

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      They don’t even have DLSS support, the modders had to fix it. Added to that, the terrible inventory system which modders also had to fix…a ton of loading screens between small sections because the engine can’t handle more…constantly running out of oxygen and the stupid grind for unlocking more skills…

      I had my fun with Starfield, but it’s an average game, not more.

  • Sentient
    11 months ago

    Elex and Elex II are amazing sci fi RPGs. They’re open world action RPGs with multiple factions and branching storylines. Highly recommended!

    11 months ago

    This is the most disingenuous comparison I’ve ever seen lol. You basically took a picture of a babbling Brook at noon and a waterfall at night and are somehow confused why they don’t look the same.

    First of all, your still shot is purposefully omitting the movement of the waterfall, the fact that it actually behaves and moves like a spray of liquid and gas particles, you know, like an actual waterfall, rather than just a moving block with a shader texture applied to it.

    You also took this picture at dusk, when the plaza is draped in shadow and there is no sunlight directly bouncing off. If you’d even been to a waterfall this tall in such conditions in real life, you’d know they actually look more like this - like a non-descript spray of gas - than the Elex screenshot.

    If you were to take a picture of the water in the day time, you know, when there is sunlight to bounce off the water particles, it would look absolutely beautiful. Which is also why nobody goes to waterfalls at night expecting a goddamn vista.

    This game isn’t perfect but one thing it is, is absolutely beautiful (with the exception of some well documented and unimportant NPCs). And calling Elex a better looking game than Starfield is the dumbest take I’ve heard yet.

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      The shot wasn’t done at night, it was made during the day. You can clearly see sunlight in the image that shines onto the structure on the left.

      First of all, your still shot is purposefully omitting the movement of the waterfall

      That’s called a screenshot. How am I supposed to capture the movement of a texture in a still image? It also doesn’t make a whole lot of difference. The waterfall still looks like sewage even when it moves. Contrary to your claims, a real waterfall does not look like this, even at night or in the shadows. Why would the water be dark gray? It builds up foam when it falls down, so it’s white. There are numerous pictures out there on the web of waterfalls in shadows and they all look white. Just an example.

      Your whole post reads like you somehow need to defend this game at all cost. I had a lot of fun with Starfield, but the technical issues are glaringly obvious. And there is no shame in admitting that. Especially, since this is just meant to be a meme for shits and giggles. ;)

      This game isn’t perfect but one thing it is, is absolutely beautiful

      I’m sorry, but that is not true at all. There are beautiful areas, like the Neon planet, for example. But there are also a lot of barren planets with barely any materials or assets on them and these look really, really bad.

      I just fired up the game again and landed on a random planet in my area (Al-Battani 1-C):

      It’s just the same type of rock everywhere and the same type of hill everywhere. To me, this just looks boring and visually uninteresting.

      Compared to that, the Neon world looks great:

      Neon is probably what you had in mind. But you cannot say that the game is “absolutely beautiful” with these extreme jumps in visual quality. And this meme is an example for an area on the main hub world that looks bad, so even those aren’t always well-made either.

        11 months ago

        The shot wasn’t done at night

        I said it was made at dusk, at a point where the sunlight is clearly not hitting the waterfall. Don’t even try to engage if you’re going to purposefully ignore context to try to “win”.

        I notice you also ignored the fact that these pictures are taken in completely different lighting conditions. Probably because you know its disingenuous.

        Yeah man, that’s called a screenshot. How am I supposed to capture the movement of a texture in a still image?

        There are things called GIFs. Not sure if you’ve heard of them.

        Also maybe don’t pass off a screenshot as a true representation of a game’s graphical fedelity if you know that a still image is omitting important elements of said fidelity.

        Your whole post reads like you somehow need to defend this game at all cost.

        Oh here we go, your brain is starting to shove me into the “paid shill” camp because I disagree with you. Fun fun.

        I have no problem with fair criticism. In no way is this a perfect game and it’s not for everyone and there’s plenty Beth needs to improve. But when I see shit like this, you’re damn right I’m going to call it out for what it is.

        Let’s throw this back on you. This defensive response seems to imply that you absolutely need to shit on a game other people like with out of context and unfair comparisons without any reprisal at all - for shits and giggles.

        Well fuck you, bro. Tearing down something for laughs is garden variety toxicity. And if you can’t take the criticism, then don’t start it in the first place.


        You apparently edited your post with a picture of a barren moon as evidence that the game is ugly.

        Yeah…it’s a barren moon with no life, one biome, and presumably 2 resources, at night, what the fuck do you expect? Light and shadow are both important elements of beautiful landacapes. The absences of light and shadow makes things look dull and featureless, both in real life and in video games. Notice your comparison Elex screenshot has a lot of light in it.

        That said, I have gorgeous pictures on barren moons of say, the milky way unrestrained by an atmosphere, or Jupiter rising over the horizon of Io, or a sunrise catching the rings of a nearby planet.

        And no, I’m not talking about Neon. Try going to a planet with a variety of biomes other than “craters” that actually has life on it.

        Seriously man, why are you trying so hard?

        • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
          11 months ago

          I said it was made at dusk

          You didn’t, this is what you wrote:

          You basically took a picture of a babbling Brook at noon and a waterfall at night

          I didn’t specifically took the screenshots at a point in time where the ingame graphics look the worst. I just went on a mission with my companion Sarah just like usual and took this screenshot in the process. Because when I looked at the scene I thought: “Goddammit, that is just the worst graphics I’ve seen in a long time, I have to take a picture here” :D

          Oh here we go, your brain is starting to shove me into the “paid shill” camp because I disagree with you.

          I paid a hundred bucks for the Premium edition of the game and as I stated in numerous comments, I actually enjoyed playing the side content, I just didn’t like the main missions and the skill grind. How can I shove you into a camp that I’m a member of, myself?

          I have no problem with fair criticism.

          You clearly do, because you’re snapping right now. I don’t even know why you take this meme so seriously.

          Well fuck you, bro.

          That was uncalled for. I made the effort to prove my point, I even fired up the game again although I’m already finished with it and took screenshots for people that don’t own the game to see what I mean. And now you’re just insulting me. I think it’s time for me to back out of this discussion, because I’m not the one that’s making it toxic.

            11 months ago

            You didn’t, this is what you wrote:

            Uh huh, and I also said this:

            You also took this picture at dusk, when the plaza is draped in shadow and there is no sunlight directly bouncing off. If you’d even been to a waterfall this tall in such conditions in real life, you’d know they actually look more like this

            …Which you’re conveniently ignoring because you’d rather argue on semantics and ignore relevant context rather than address the content of my response.

            I didn’t specifically took the screenshots at a point in time where the ingame graphics look the worst. I just went on a mission with my companion Sarah just like usual and took this screenshot in the process. Because when I looked at the scene I thought: “Goddammit, that is just the worst graphics I’ve seen in a long time, I have to take a picture here” :D

            Wrong. You saw this highly specific situation, thought it looked ugly, took a screenshot, then fired up Elex to find a shot that looks better - with different context and lighting conditions - and then crafted a single image to compare these very different shots of very different games with the explicit purpose of shifting on a game because you have a beef with it.

            …for laughs?

            I paid a hundred bucks for the Premium edition of the game and as I stated in numerous comments, I actually enjoyed playing the side content, I just didn’t like the main missions and the skill grind.

            Okay, good for you? All this explains is why you have a beef with the game. But from my point of you, if you got enjoyment out of it, great.

            You clearly do, because you’re snapping right now. I don’t even know why you take this meme so seriously.

            Uh huh. Here’s the context of this thread:

            • Nobody:
            • You: Starfield is so ugly that even Elex looks better. Look at this highly specific comparison.
            • Me: No it’s not and here’s why your comparison is wrong.
            • You: Rawr you can’t handle criticism! Why won’t you let me meme?

            Who’s snapping at who? I provided you reasons for why your comparison is wrong - which you have not addressed. You didn’t have to respond to me. But you did. And here we are.

            I made the effort to prove my point, I even fired up the game again although I’m already finished with it and took screenshots for people that don’t own the game to see what I mean.

            No you didn’t. You fired up the game and found another highly specific example - an unpopulated spot of a barren moon with 2 resources at night, because you refuse to address my reasons becausr the only meat for your arguement is to create more disingenuous comparisons.

            • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
              11 months ago

              …for laughs?

              God forbid someone comes to a meme community for laughs. 😆

              People can make jokes about games they actually like, you know. Maybe you should get out, take a breath of fresh air, calm down in the process and accept the fact that you’re on and this whole discussion is totally pointless.

              Or just write another essay the length of Macbeth because someone posted a gray waterfall on the internet. It’s totally healthy and not ridiculous at all…you could also just drop another F-bomb to prove your point, that was really great discussion culture.

                11 months ago

                God forbid someone comes to a meme community for laughs. 😆

                Its more sad than anything that you thought your jpeg was funny.

                drop another F-bomb

                Cry about it a little more buddy. I’m loving it.

                People can make jokes about games they actually like, you know. Maybe you should get out, take a breath of fresh air, calm down in the process and accept the fact that you’re on and this whole discussion is totally pointless.

                Lol k buddy. I’m responding in between gardening breaks - but sure - whatever helps you justify disengaging.

    11 months ago

    Starfield is just a mess. I think Todd assumed he could ride the Skyrim goodwill into the sunset with his subsequent games because he’s consistently failed to deliver since then. I love the jank of a good Bethesda game because at its heart you have a true rpg that lets you roam and complete quests how you see fit. Starfield removed the roaming and the exploration and left some very mediocre storytelling and quests in its wake. Without that magic you’re just left with increasingly awful jank that can’t be ignored.

    Thank god for Xbox game pass, I was only out about 15 dollars and was able to try the game without committing 70 dollars.

    • lichtmetzger@feddit.deOP
      11 months ago

      Starfield removed the roaming and the exploration and left some very mediocre storytelling and quests in its wake.

      There are some great sidequests in Starfield. I started the game by just playing side quests and completely ignoring the main ones and it was awesome. I loved the Ryujin questline because I had a sneak-build and it was nice to just not be seen and wreak havoc. The one about the 200 year old starship and the AI ship were also pretty good.

      But then I did the Sarah romance questline which was written like a fanfiction by a twelve year old…and continued doing the main quests which were just like Skyrim in space. Starborn…Dragonborn…ugh.

      The first 40 hours were a solid 8/10 for me. Once I started doing the main quests, it dropped to 3/10. And the loading screens are just annoying after a while.