tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I recommend everyone to read up a bit on the Algerian war for independence

    In total the estimates for Algerians killed, mostly murdered by the French opression range from 400.000-1.500.000.

    The French massacred Civilians, used torture and rape, unlawful detentions, food deprivation and other inhumane tactics to supress and murder the people struggling to live in self determination on their own land.

    Meanwhile of course the independance fighters were branded as terrorists and barbarians to delegitimise their political goals and in complete denial about the terror imposed by the French police and army.

    Finally the French lost as their population stopped supporting the murder, torture and rape. It also lead to the collapse of the fourth republic, after which the war was lost soon after.

    The military tried to coup twice. First to bring de Gaulle into power and maintain the brutal opression of Algeria and a second time to coup de Gaulle out, as he was realising the war to be lost and seeking a political resolution.

    For decades after there was no recognition of the French, that a war took place. They refered to it as a police operation and the topic was banned from schools.

    In the muslim and arab world what happens in Gaza and the Westbank is often seen in parallel to the Algerian war of independence. In Europe many countries gloss over or just dont teach about the Algerian war for independence or other independance movements in the former colonies at all.

  • Was ist denn der Bedarf der Realität? Wir sind so produktiv wie nie, trotzdem verarmen immer mehr Menschen. Sachen die für die Mittelschicht früher selbstverständlich waren, sind heute unerreichbar. Wir haben eine gigantische Klima- und Umweltkatastrophe als Resultat des Wirtschaften um jeden Preis, die Infrastruktur veraltet und wir hängen bei Digitalisierung hinterer, gleichzeitig sind mehr Menschen denn je psychisch krank und die Arbeitsunzufriedenheit ist auf einem Rekordniveau.

    Das reale Wirtschaftswachstum in Deutschland war von 2012-2022 bei durchschnittlich 1,2%. D.h. insgesamt ist die Produktivität damit um 12,7% gestiegen in diesem Zeitraum. Das macht in heutigen Preisen real 463,39 Milliarden Euro mehr. Pro Jahr. [1] [2] Damit könnte man den Klimawandel stemmen, eine Kapitalrente aufbauen, die Infrastruktur sanieren und den Personalmangel in Krankenhäusern, Schulen und Ämtern beheben.

    Stattdessen pfeift das Land zunehmend aus dem letzten Loch, weil das Geld nur bei Reichen und Superreichen ankommt.

  • With all the excitement about the current protests we must not forget, that the current and former governments and all parties currently in the parliament were and are responsible for creating the growth of the AfD and fascist ideology in Germany.

    We currently see many politicians applauding the protests. But applauding is not getting us anywhere. We need to demand action.

    • The first step needs to be formaly initiating the banning case at the constitutional court. But we must not stop there. We see many cases of police, military, intelligence and state prosecutors being infiltrated by fascists. (see below)
    • We need urgent action to investigate and remove such structures and people from the executive, as otherwise they can just grab power by force.
    • We need the prohibition of associations and structures of the AfD, the fascist parts of the CDU and other actors from the fascist movement, that do not fall under the protection of political parties.
    • We need investigations into the CDU as a suspect case of extremism
    • We need to roll back on the social and financial politics that continued to impoverish the poor and middle class, while granting more and more tax money to the rich and affluent
    • Chancellor Scholz needs to speak a word of power and get the FDP in line, who kept and keep blocking progressive politics, violate agreements between government parties last minute to stop the government from acting and enfore austerity against the normal people while granting record tax breaks and subsidies to the rich.
    • The new deportation law that was passed just last thursday, including many violations of fundamental rights like protection of housing, privacy, right to due process and freedom, needs to be revoked immediately. It is a wrong step and fatal signal towards the deportation plans of the fascists.
    • All democratic parties must reinforce their commitment angainst fascists. In particular they need to make internal resolutions that prohibit the cooperation and coordination with the AfD or other actors from the fascist spectrum. People who violate these resolutions must be kicked out of the parties immediately.
    • All files from the NSU case must be published. The secrecy order that initialed was set to 120 years and then set to 30 years has the clear intent to protect the interior intelligence and people who aided the terrorist group from exposure and prosecution.

    For non Germans, a few things of what is going on in Germanies executive:

    There has been a series of Nazi terror attacks in Berlin, where prosecutors and investigators were found to have “private” meetings with the suspects. Even an attempted murder at a politician remains unresolved despite the suspects being well known to everyone.
    There is a group of police officers from Frankfurt who used their access to police information to threaten lawyers, comedians, activits and politician who spoke out against nazi structures and terror. The police officers are still suspended with pay, despite their being a whatsapp group uncovered in which they shared fascists memes, talked about rapeing the corpses of female crime victims, congratulated each other on Hitlers birthday and other heinous shit. They named themselves NSU 2.0 after a Nazi Terror organization that muredered more than a dozen people in Germany between 2000 and 2011 and was likely protected by the interior intelligence.
    In the City of Dessau there is a police office, where in 2006 a black man was murdered by pouring gasoline on him and setting him on fire in his cell. To this day the case remained unpunished and the officers present in the timeframe just received a fine of about 10.000€. the head of that police office in 2016 helped to hide the body of an asian student that was brutally raped and murdered by his stepson, who is also the son of another police officer from that office. As a “punishment” he was sent to teach at a police school, and even that was overruled later.
    Special police and military units have repeated stolen ammunition and weapons and gave them to nezi terrorists, who prepared for a violent insurrection, including having death lists of politicians and civil society actors they would murder.
    After much media attention and great propaganda around it, a woman was convicted for alledgely being head of a leftist terror group that had beaten up fascists in saxony. The conviction was weak, and is mainly based on the single testimony of a former member of that group. Now a member of the AfD, who regularly had access to sensitive information from the case, probably through the prosecutors office, boasted that thanks to him that testimony came to be. He boasted himself with having had the witness beaten up by nazi hooligans in Poland, where the witness had moved. This court case needs to be reopened and the prosecutor needs to be investigated for probably coordinating with a violent criminal to threaten the witness into a potentially fabricated testimony.

  • Klar, Progrome, denen immer vorher eine Eskalationskaskade vorangegeangen sind, sind nur blabla, damit man sich auf seine Fortschrittlichkeit und Meinungsfreiheit aufgeilen kann, weil man ja total erleuchtet gegen die bösen Religionen ist…

    Genau diese Haltung, die aus einem antireligiösen Fundamentalismus herrührt, und sich blind gegen die Verfolgung und Unterdrückung von muslimischen oder als muslimisch gelesenen Menschen stellt, und sich weigert hier den Zusammenhang zwischen Gewalt und Gewalt zu sehen, schafft den Nährboden auf dem Terroristen wie der NSU und Anders Breivik wachsen und gedeihen können.

    Aber ist sicherlich nur Zufall, dass jetzt auch die jüdischen Verbände und Gemeinden in Europa wieder mehr Angst vor Rechtsextremen Terrorismus gegen sie haben.

    Und du keulst dir hier einen darauf, dass du ja in deiner erleuchteten Meinungsfreiheit auch das Verbrennen von Torahs verteidigen willst.

  • Ich finde es schon einen krassen hot take, hier " Die „unangemessene Behandlung von Objekten, die für eine Reli­gions­gemeinschaft eine wichtige religiöse Bedeutung haben“, soll in Dänemark deswegen mit bis zu zwei Jahren Gefängnis bestraft werden" als “Rückschritt in das Jahr 1683” zu bezeichnen.

    Auch hier von Blasphemiegesetzen zu sprechen, unterstellt, dass damit jede Kritik and Religionen verboten würde. Das ist nicht der Fall. Es soll nur die Form der Kritik demokratisch, statt gewaltätig stattfinden.

    Man kann hier nur immer wieder die Frage stellen, ob die Autoren solcher Aussagen das selbe schreiben würden, wenn es um die Verbrennung von Torahs oder Davidsternen gehen würde. Da gibt es ja auch in der deutschen Geschichte tolle Beispiele, die sie dann historisch neu einordnen können…

    Schließlich muss man zum Schluss auch sagen, dass das Schreddern nicht Kunst wird, weil man dabei ein T Shirt zu Frauenrechten trägt. Auch finde ich es seltsam, dass der Autor die Probleme der dänischen Abschottung und Abschiebepraxen erkennt, dann aber nicht begreift, dass Koranverbrennungen in der bereits gewaltsamen Atmosphäre Brandbeschleuniger für Progrome werden kann. Auch da sollte man sich mal die deutsche Geschichte anschauen, bevor man das als “subversiv” feiert und als “etwas Vulgäres” verharmlost.