Das ist ein mega Skandal. So ein groszes Versagen der Justiz.
Das ist ein mega Skandal. So ein groszes Versagen der Justiz.
Get help with your depression, then it will get better
I don’t remember when the last one happened. We have like 5 minutes of downtime per year in Germany on average
Me: Oh no censored by the state?
Con: uhm no a post was hidden on a social media website
When I removed the tanks on my ship, it had a way faster turn around time. No waiting for fuel to refill and not that much slower.
I hope this is a good title ^^
Hmm I thought it was disliked behavior. I’ll change it then!
But I have to post it with the original title, correct? Or would it be fine for me to give it a more descriptive one?
The coordinates of other and own node
I thought the app might be able to calculate it
Ah okay so it’s calculated on the node, not in the app. Bummer
Hmm not sure I like that. Apparently the default channel has too much traffic to be handled well by the esp32 devices.
I am not sure if the mesh size is limited. They’re doing “managed flood routing” which is like normal flood routing, but routers wait for a while to see if someone else is flooding the message already, then they don’t send it out themselves if they see it flooded. I don’t know how that behaves in different network topologies
Das war vor Jahrzehnten schon ein Auslaufmodell
No I am a noob at this as well. The heltec v3 seems to be the most popular device though.
I don’t have one. It’s to tinker with my first esp32 board and lora.
It’s basically a hobby. If you live somewhere super rural or something it might be interesting to chat with your neighbor or whatever but I think meshtastic is still too much in the alpha stage to be usable really.
It might be useful on a festival or something, where cell networks are overloaded and you and your friends can contact each other via meshtastic. Idk if that would work though.
That’s interesting.