You can even hook it up to your PBX and route calls depending on the number recognised and let the agent responding to the call read the customer data right as they answer. Tbh, a good CRM (there are good alternatives) is absolutely worth it
You can even hook it up to your PBX and route calls depending on the number recognised and let the agent responding to the call read the customer data right as they answer. Tbh, a good CRM (there are good alternatives) is absolutely worth it
Tesla, according to Musk,can keep the prices due to their insane margins. Musk actually wants these subsidies cut to destroy his competition.
Musk actually has stated multiple times that he is all for abandoning the subsidies as his own margin is big enough to sustain prices but it will “destroy” his competition.
No. They deal with the fact that they didn’t start the technological race until it was too late (and haven’t fully committed themselves even nowadays) and that they strongly build their sale strategy on the Chinese market - which nowadays is basically an EV market and one where German cars are now seen as either preposterous or “Grandfathers car”.
This comes together with a price hike (not only on EVs but also across their fleet - starting long before EVs were common and affecting the combustion fleet as well; see the price of the Golf or Passat compared to an average worker wage over the last 20 years + it’s resale value), a major lack of quality control since COVID and a lack of financial planning for this upcoming storm.
In other words: Their problem was not the end of the subsidies (which basically only affected the ID3 anyway as neither VW nor BMW or MB had any other models below the maximum price threshold for the subsidy) but their lack of management flexibility in time with a rapidly changing market.
No,but Musk has already stated that he actually wants that bonus gone because his own margin is high enough to keep the prices nearly the same while it will (quote) “destroy the remaining car industry”.
As a paramedic I feel deeply offended that we are not on that list but nurses are. Travel agents,okay. But nurses? The insult!
Yeah, the second part is not feasible in the way mentioned in the article with the victim being alive and talking - putting a fire extinguisher into someone’s behind and releasing it will kill the person unless major surgical care is delivered within a very short timeframe (and even then chances aren’t too good).
Pressure injuries from to the rectum do exist, as people are both horny as well as stupid/assholes. But a fire extinguisher is applying a pressure in the range of 15 bar. That would instantly tear the complete lower rectum and colon, even in cases where the pressure valve would not have been actually inserted into the victims anus but only released closely to it, as the sphincter does open up from far less pressure. A patient victimised like that would either bleed to death within a short time frame(minutes to hours) or die from sepsis (hours to days) with the first option being far more likely. It requires massive surgical and critical care efforts to even make people survive that - and measures that are easily recognised decades later. The patient would receive a anus praeter (articial stoma in the abdominal wall) and require weeks to month in hospital - under ideal treatment situations and only if not dying before that could be started.
Additionally the substances within a fire extinguisher are highly problematic - military fire extinguishers are almost always powder or foam based. The powder used is highly irritating to the body (and depending on the type plain toxic) and would absolutely killed a guy from the reaction alone. The foam is also highly toxic and irritating in this capacity and would likely also kill the person without medical care.
So no,as a healthcare professional who has seen a fair share of torture victims from Assad’s torture chambers, that report does not seem valid to me. (And I am doubtful that a arab only publication would be allowed to visit a prisoner in these facilities…twice)
Don’t get me wrong, I am very sure that there is torture and major human rights violations going on in the Israel’s “detainee/military prisoners” system and these are beyond bad. But creating false/fake news discredits the real reports.
Everything about this comment is wrong. Sincerely, Your next door former DPO
Ich bleibe dabei: Die Idee hinter IPv6 ist super. Die Umsetzung bezüglich private Networks und einiger alter Kerndienste(FTP,NTP) ist aber Murks. Ich weiß,die Puristen kotzen jetzt,aber NAT hat seine Vorteile,auch im Hinblick auf Privacy und der IPv6 Workaround mittels der privacy addresses ist Krebs.
Ein Verschreiben. Oder mein Autocorrect,das treibt zuletzt seltsame Dinge. Könnte kotzen.
Actually no, I refuse to be associated with cosmetic/fashion style plastic surgery completely for personal reasons. I even don’t work on the anaesthesia side of these cases.
Used to work in aeromedical retrieval for a company that has very strong presence in the Gulf region and a somewhat established presence in central Asia. .
Ist komplett crazy,ja. Ich hab früher viel mit Privateherpiloten zusammen gearbeitet (viele Firmen fliegen sowohl VIPs als auch medizinische Transporte).
Da kommen dann so Stories wie der Typ der dem eigenen Pferd mit dem Privatjet Heu nachfliegen ließ (das dann nie benutzt wurde), Typen die nur damit irgendwer glaubt er sei da(man aber eigentlich woanders ist) ihren Jet wo hin fliegen lassen (Musk macht das wohl gern) oder die zum Eis essen einmal durch Europa fliegen bzw. den Jet 18h anreisen lassen um nicht 150km fahren zu müssen oder Gott bewahre,in einem Jet der nicht ihr eigener ist, zu fliegen.
Jede Perversion ist da möglich.
I have been picked up by a private airplane once. And I don’t mean an private jet like a bombardier global (which are still beyond cool), I mean like a full size long range airliner. The conference room alone was larger than my apartment at the time. Who especially was send my our customer to pick up my colleague and me. Even crazier: As it was somewhat urgent the customer “called” someone in his countries air traffic control and even though we arrived through rush hour at this airport we landed priority - which meant around 12 large airliners had to wait.
(To make that clear: I am not a prostitute, especially as I am a ugly ass overweight dude, but I work in healthcare and did a fair share of VVIP jobs over the last two decades)
Was ein dümmlicher Post,sorry:
So ganz einfach ist das nämlich nicht. Betriebseigentumsversicherungen sind a)komplex b) Arsch teuer c)viel schneller kündbar durch den Versicherer. Mitunter sind auch keine blanko-Versicherungen zu finden,sondern du kannst nur besonder gefährdetes/teures Betriebseigentum einzeln versichern. Und natürlich kann man davon ausgehen,dass die Versicherung auch nicht blöd ist und spätestens nach dem ersten Schadensfall eine Deckung von Vandalismusschäden ausschließt/dich kündigt wenn du dem nicht zustimmst.(Es handelt sich hier nicht um Verbraucherrecht,nicht vergessen)
Schlussendlich hat die Versicherung auch irgendwie Recht mit: Der Vandalismus bzw. die Unfähigkeit der Stadt Köln und des Landes NRW dem Einhalt zu gebieten kann auch nicht das Problem einzelner Versicherungen sein.
Vielleicht muss man sich eingestehen,dass der Karneval so wie er jetzt ist nicht mehr tragbar ist und die Menschenmengen effektiver begrenzen (frag nicht was ich als Katastrophenplaner von dem derzeitigen Konzept bzw. der Konzeptlosigkeit halte).
Oder man muss als Stadt die ja immer betont wie sehr die Stadt profitiert in die Tasche greifen und Vandalismus sichere Geschäftsfronten und Verdienstausfall sponsoren.
Komme aus dem Wahlkreis von dem Vogel. Absolut so. Denn Bahn ist hier die blanke Katastrophe.
Literally ein kürzlicher Beitrag eines CDU Politikers aus dem Wahlkreis vom Frei.
I wish I was joking.
Beim CanG haben ja namhafte SPDler schon verkündet,dass sie mit einer Rolle Rückwärts kein Problem hätten…
Unter Fachleuten (für Katastrophen)spielen wir jedes Jahr #Planspieljahr (meist bei Twitter). Ich hab dieses Jahr schon “Krankenhaus brennt während Hurrikan”(gut,war ein Taifun), “Brücke stürzt ein” und “Weltraumtrümmer”. Ein Ereignis fehlt mir noch zum Bingo.
Das hier ist wieder ein Feld für jemanden.
It is never a good idea to centralise essential drug production like this, because Hurricanes are the least of your problems. A single bad faith factor,a accidental contamination, a fire, etc. can all knock out a facility pretty easily.
And guess when a country needs the most iV fluids? Exactly. When it gets to war. Demand doubles then.
Which means the country could easily be fucked by two Russian agents. Just for the sake of capitalism and financial gain.