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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Girl, bye. Go to bed if sports hurt your feelings. Even when my team loses, it’s fun AF. We trash talk and pretend we are analyists, lol. You have been a fan all of a year. Come at me when you have sat through 13 losing seasons. Tell my dad who’s been waiting 39 years for a Super Bowl.

    Uuuughh the Saints are probably the best team in the league right now, and they got the Eagles next. I will be at my local Saints bar cheering for them like I have for well over a decade. I can’t wait lol

  • My team BLEW Dallas away yesterday and it was amazing. The Saints play the Eagles next week and if they are legit, they should have no problem beating the Eagles. I am praying so hard this happens lol. I wasn’t even on here this weekend cause Mexican shenanigans(it’s our independence day!) , Canelo boxing and football all day yesterday to watch all my fantasy players. It was a nice fun weekend!

  • Thank you, honestly! I really appreciate it. I’m in therapy for disordered eating and some body dismorphia. I’ve come a long way, but I’m fortunate to have the resources to be able to. I’ll never take for granted that I can afford therapy, healthy food, and a gym membership. I struggled for years when I couldn’t. I didn’t realize it then, but she was a part of that struggle. That’s why she makes me so mad.

  • Holy shit. At this point why even take the video? Feet 4 ft apart. Sucking it in, tugging and pulling on clothes. This actually is one of the only times I feel actually bad for her. How are you so financially successful, married with 4 beautiful children, almost 40 and still pulling at your clothes pretending to be confident? Just wear things that don’t make you feel this way? I don’t get it.

  • Her TV and doorframe are looking mighty wavy 🧐 but aside from that, i agree. Fucked with my head too. I had to remind myself she’s the one on the way to being a melted ice cream cone. Giving her the benefit of a doubt that she’s losing weight (personally I don’t think it’s much and it’s filters), sudden weight loss at her age with no strength training will do that to you. I was on a GLP-1 a few months back, and I started losing weight, but eventually, the sag came in HARD. I got off it and upped my strength training. Now I’m in the best shape of my life, and my husband said it’s the most fit I’ve ever looked. I’m 39.

  • She’s so boring there’s nothing to snark on but I’ll try lol she’s so tone deaf talking about how during the pandemic the WFH outfits were so cute and then She had to put on pants again. WTF. Doesn’t she always work from home?! There’s people that were dying and working endlessly. I stayed home, with no income. My husband was essential (in a non medical way) and his job was not able to be done at home. I hate her.