• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Spacey had previously denied 12 charges – seven sexual assaults, three indecent assaults, one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent, and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

    A further charge of indecent assault was added mid-trial, taking to 13 the total number of alleged offences listed on the indictment.

    Last Wednesday, the four indecent assault charges were struck off by the judge because of a “legal technicality”.

    I don’t know anything about this, and I wish the article went into a lot more detail about the accusations and why they were found not credible, especially since there were so many from separate people.

    Like, did they find some evidence against the accusers, like happened with the Michael Jackson cases iirc, or did they just decide the accusers didn’t present enough evidence or witnesses to be believed?

    Spacey might well be innocent, of course. I just worry because society is often disinclined to take male sexual assault victims seriously, and I feel like if the alleged victims were female the press would (since “Me Too”) at least give them a little more coverage than this? This article feels like it has a “the accused is found not guilty, and everyone knows that sexual assault cases are always decided correctly, so he is 100% innocent and we can all wash our hands of this” vibe, but meanwhile Bill Crosby walks free, so I can’t personally trust it with so little information.

    Especially not when it’s about a rich, powerful man with a huge fanbase, aka exactly the type of person nobody wants to believe would be a predator (and maybe he isn’t! But I need more info here, darn it!)

    Ah well. I’ll google more later I guess.

    At least it doesn’t seem to have turned into a media hellscape circus like what happened to Amber Heard.

  • I’m glad this article exists; this has been bothering me. Specifically, I’m bothered that, while aljazeera featured the stories about the boat of refugees as and after it was happening, I haven’t seen it crop up in U.S. news at all. One of the deadliest disasters in the Mediterranean, and… crickets.

    Then a submersible with a handful of white rich lads gets lost and it’s all over the papers and all anyone can talk about.

    To be fair, part of this is the fact that the submersible story has a lot of wild and novel details to it, plus the novel “oh god imagine being trapped in a submarine” fear factor, that make it great for getting attention and clicks, but nevertheless.

    The other part of it is that people see “poor, brown refugees drowned at sea in the Mediterranean, once again” and feel completely disconnected from that and glaze over. The refugees don’t get the same automatic “what would that feel like if it were me” empathizing, and the situation doesn’t get the same scrutiny of rescue details and chances and what exactly went wrong that resulted in hundreds and hundreds of innocent people drowning at sea.

    And they were in a BOAT. They knew where the boat was. The boat was reachable. They just let them die.

    It’s true that we’re talking about different countries and different organizations, but this is a recurring pattern. Refugees are being systematically and repeatedly allowed to drown when they are very near to people who could help them. Other people get prioritized and rescued like they’re kings.

  • Right? I so agree. Further, I feel like a lot of games are just as hard… but they give you a little wiggle room so that you can learn how to fight while you’re fighting, and you get this pleasing feeling of being smart and overcoming something difficult just the same, and you can get into the flow of it and let the music sink into you and feel fucking awesome even if it’s hard and you do end up dying multiple times.

    But with souls games, one (1) tiny mistake and bam, you’re dead, and now you have to sit through this long-ass loading screen. That doesn’t feel like more difficulty to me; that feels like the type of bullshit that is like getting sniped from across the map by an NPC you can’t see. It just interrupts the flow of the fight, and the player’s immersion, repeatedly, when it doesn’t need to imo. And without difficulty settings, it screws over people who have hand pain or stiffness for any of a number of reasons, or people who have shitty cheap knockoff controllers, or people who have minimal hardware and maybe the game stutters just enough sometimes to make them die, and so on.

    And the ‘community’, at least the one on reddit, is insufferable (in aggregate! I don’t automatically think you’re an ass because you like souls games, I promise. I’m just tired of people trying to use their like souls games as some of kind of proof that they’re better than other people, and of their complaining about difficulty settings and other accessibility measures.)

    But yeah. Something like Hyper Light Drifter, that respawns you right by the fight immediately after you die, or something like Celeste where again you respawn right at the same level immediately after you die, is fine. But souls’ games death screen is too long on its own, let alone combined with all the stupid backtracking.