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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • Hast Du mal versucht in r/de oder r/jokes oder r/binichdasarschloch etwas zu posten?

    Es ist verdammtnochmal fast unmöglich! Die Regeln sind 20-50 Seiten lang, gespickt mit nicht erklärten Fachtermini. Ja, in kleinen Subreddits mit fünf Posts in der Woche bekommt man was durch.

    Ne, also für mich ist Reddit abseits kleiner Spartenreddits völlig nutzlos.

    Ach und dass Telepolis radikaler Mist ist und die Moderatoren dort lustvoll Gegenstimmen löschen das brauchen wir nicht diskutieren.

  • I disagree. You are NOT poor just because you end up without money at the months end.

    My brother is an perfect example. He earns A TON of cash every month. Nearly as much as I, my fiance, my Dad and Mum combined.

    And still he lives from payday to payday without any reserves. Because he can not handle money.

    He eats in restaurants at least ten times a week. At least twice in highest luxury restaurants. He has leased four different cars in three years, none less than €2000 per month. Lifes in an absurdetly huge penthouse. Buys his girl friend so much bullshit she gave me a €5.000 collier because she ran out of space and I drove her home after parties a couple of times. But still he asked Pa and me several times for fuel money at the end of the month.

    See, if he would live like I do he could live two years from one months earnings.

    So you think I am poor I guess?

    Nope. I own a huge plot of land. I am going to build my own house and I am talking about a nice big house made from stone at the gates of Munich where land is expensive and houses are even more expensive. I have paid generous amounts of pension insurance. If I would stop working in five years when I am 35 I would be a made girl and could live from my savings although on a low level.

  • Just to let you know, if you use uBlock you can expect it to adapt to this new shenanigan pretty quickly. Also I think €120/year are ridiciously overpriced. Ask me about €30/year and I might consider it for a second.

    To be honest, I wouldn’t mind ads on Youtube if they were less per hour and less obnoxious. But no, every 12 second video now has an ad leading to it.

    Not to mention, if I would pay for every single Video service the usual 8-15€ I would pay like €1000 per year and THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

    Give me “pretty much everything” for €100 per year and we can talk. My offer stands.

  • I expected the Orville to be a funny homage to Star Trek. For a short time it was just that. Actually a randy one with too much toilet humor. But then suddenly they became serious SciFi. Which I consider a bold move and mostly but not utterly a successful one. And in hindsight, it would have been hard to deliver good SciFi-Humor for more than one Season except if they went the Futurama-Path.

    The part of the funny homage to Star Trek nowadays has been taken by Lower Decks. Humorwise it beats everything Orville had ever offered.

    Orville is good. Not great but worth watching. They had some AMAZING episodes with depth and ideas among the best ST-Episodes. But they also had a lot of mediocre episodes. Still Better than ST-Discovery for sure. Even surpassing ST-Picard. Which is something Seth can be proud of.

    Orville started when there was no Startrek and no serious Soap-SiFi at all (The Expanse is something different).

    For me it is “Startrek when Startrek wasn’t” and basically revived the Franchise it wanted to make fun of.

    I like it.