When I first started this show I found it to be a really awkward mix of comedy and seriousness. It had some jokes thrown it at the most inopportune times as some kind of comic relief from a really serious situation. Perhaps the first half of the first season was actually a bit rough or maybe the show just grew on me, but by season 2 I found myself loving this show.

To me it seems as every bit as comfy, intellectually interesting and even funny as some classic Star Treks while still clearly being its own thing. I wish more comfy space shows like this would get made.

What are your thoughts on The Orville? Also I miss Alara.

  • ArtificialLink@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It was/is the best modern “star trek” thats coming out. Loved that you could see all the writers and seth were just huge trekies. The moral dilemma’s are almost always good. And the mostly episodic episodes are a huge bonus.

  • Duchess of Waves@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I expected the Orville to be a funny homage to Star Trek. For a short time it was just that. Actually a randy one with too much toilet humor. But then suddenly they became serious SciFi. Which I consider a bold move and mostly but not utterly a successful one. And in hindsight, it would have been hard to deliver good SciFi-Humor for more than one Season except if they went the Futurama-Path.

    The part of the funny homage to Star Trek nowadays has been taken by Lower Decks. Humorwise it beats everything Orville had ever offered.

    Orville is good. Not great but worth watching. They had some AMAZING episodes with depth and ideas among the best ST-Episodes. But they also had a lot of mediocre episodes. Still Better than ST-Discovery for sure. Even surpassing ST-Picard. Which is something Seth can be proud of.

    Orville started when there was no Startrek and no serious Soap-SiFi at all (The Expanse is something different).

    For me it is “Startrek when Startrek wasn’t” and basically revived the Franchise it wanted to make fun of.

    I like it.

  • acow@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    I wanted to like it, but didn’t get through S1. I found the humor so uneven that it made the whole thing almost uncomfortable. Is it an irreverent parody, sci-fi, slightly crude comedy, or is it Star Trek? It’s all of those things, and I’m happy folks enjoyed it. I’ll try to revisit at some point, but for now I’m so happy that Strange New Worlds is as surprisingly excellent as it is. For me, it nails the mixture of lightheartedness, sci-fi adventure, and earnestness that I like in Star Trek.

    • KiofKi@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      It’s a love letter to star trek. I strongly recommend you give it another try to get through the first season, because by season 2 they found their stride and it got way better.

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For me after DS9, The Orville is (to me) the next canonical Start Trek series. Everything after is, from what I’ve seen is trash that exploits the name for an established fan base. Now I haven’t seen everything, but like, how many times do you need to be kicked in the nuts to know that you don’t like getting kicked in the nuts and you just stop!

    I loved, FUCKING LOVED, TNG. Honestly, that show shaped a lot of who I am, especially since I didn’t have a good father figure growing up.

    The Orville isn’t perfect. Seth for better or for worse tries some jokes and some of them really don’t land. But to his credit he tries. And it felt like as the show went on it got more refined in what it wanted to be.

    The people who are in charge of modern Star Trek can shove it up their ass. You can’t tell me a single one of them ever sat down and ever actually watched Star Trek. TOS, TNG, VOY, and DS9 I’m here for it all. Everything after, Jesus Christ, just awful. I’d rather watch Dr Crusher get it on with a ghost repeatedly than sit and watch modern Star Trek.

    But the Oroville like a breath of fresh air.

      • CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        No. Isn’t that a spin off of Discovery? I survived the ride that was Enterprise, but Discovery said as the first time I noped the fuck out.

        I did a quick look via Google, the uniforms look very TOS to me, is it good? Or is it just that much more of terrible writing and 0 acknowledgement of any established stories and lore or just generally Gene’s vision for what Start Trek as a concept was.

        • Akip@feddit.de
          1 year ago

          I think season2 of Strange new worlds might be my favorite star trek season. Its focusing more on inter crew relationships again instead of useless power creep like discovery did. The crew feels like a family again like it did in TNG and Voyager, while also leaving you with a new concept each episode something for your brain to digest, something you hadn’t seen yet. I think they succeeded in the balancing act something new while infused with the original essence of star trek.

    • Macros@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      I fully understand that, I was at times to much for me too. But some episodes of season one showed its potential and the awkward comedy declined episodes by episode. So I kept watching. Season 2 was great and humor was handled better and did not overstay it welcome. Season 3 is just great Sci-fy. (So far, I am just in the middle of it).