• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Adding on to what other said (it’s not that big a deal): Just because prostitution is illegal does not mean you cant pay for a sexworker, it just makes it slightly harder to find. Making a porno is often legal, so just have a camera somewhere on a tripod and BOOM, welcome to the film industry ☺️. My local laws permit sexwork, and I don’t think it is amoral to sell sex, so if you don’t too and you are this fixated on it, ask around a bit!

  • Battletoads for Gameboy. I just wanted to hear more of that slamming soundtrack, but the flying level beat me…

    EDIT Oh snipes I misread the post, I thought they were asking for games that were too hard

    I would have loved for Pokemon Red/Blue to have had some infinite endgame. It was already a big game so no harm done, bu I would have loved to have more use for my overpowered pokemon

  • I agree with the mission of this new cap, but my thoughts were this: Coca Cola, PepsiCo, these brands are… so inhumanly big, their budgets are SO extremely deep and large. And this cap? This cap is the best they could come up with? There is not a grain of my being that can believe that. What I do know about these corporations, is that they hate working together to reduce waste. Anytime a bottle deposit system is expanded they basically stamp the floor angrily until the law forces them to adapt or get out, at which point they use the new hated rules in their marketing as if the planet was all they were thinking about all along. Right…

    This cap is essentially psychological warfare against the consumer, to form negative thoughts about being responsible with plastic waste. It’s purpose is to make you angry about the new rule, while still adhering to it.

    Fuck you big food products inc, I hope we introduce a deposit system on fucking everything so you can all sit in the boardroom and cry about it.