Seriously I hate that. I always fantasize about having sex with very attractive women. It really grinds my fuck gears because I know that I will be a virgin forever because prostitution is illegal in Canada. So I unfortunately can not pay a very attractive 18 year old woman to have sex with me. I really wish that I was Asexual so that I could be happy with myself being a virgin forever.

    26 days ago

    Adding on to what other said (it’s not that big a deal): Just because prostitution is illegal does not mean you cant pay for a sexworker, it just makes it slightly harder to find. Making a porno is often legal, so just have a camera somewhere on a tripod and BOOM, welcome to the film industry ☺️. My local laws permit sexwork, and I don’t think it is amoral to sell sex, so if you don’t too and you are this fixated on it, ask around a bit!