I have graduated from a university in Germany and found a great job that matches my degree. With this work contract, I have applied for a residence permit for employment. My documents were accepted and I have received a Fiktionsbescheinigung (my student residence permit is no longer valid).

Today I was informed that my employer is facing bankruptcy and the majority of the employees, including me, were let go. I was also told that I am entitled for severance pay if I apply at the Arbeitsamt.

What does that mean for my residence permit? Will it still be processed to the end or is my application no longer valid? Should I apply for the severance pay? I understand that I need to look for a new job immediately, since I don’t have any other “proof of being able to secure my livelihood”. Is it best to call the ABH directly and tell them about the layoff or wait to get a residence permit?

  • Citheronia@lemmy.worldOP
    11 months ago

    Thank you so much for the answer! I already received a termination letter, but there is a cancellation period, so I am still employed until the end of November (Sorry, I should have mentioned it from the start). My plan was to look for a job immediately, and in case I can find a new job before I am officially unemployed, then I would just notify ABH that I changed my job. If I can’t find a job in time, I will tell them about the situation. Is this a good idea or should I just tell them directly now what’s going on?

    • Is your Aufenthaltstitel, even in the Fiktionsbescheinigung, tied to the specific employment at this company?

      If so, you need to inform the Ausländerbehörde immediately and tell them, that you are looking for a different job and ask them how to speed up the process of getting the working permit for a new position from the Agentur für Arbeit.

      If you have a Aufenthaltstitel for employment and it is tied to a specific company your title is still valid when you no longer work at that specific company. The working at that specific company is a limit to your title, not a condition of it.

      The Ausländerbehörde should get back to you with a timeframe, in which they expect you to find a new job. You are obliged to inform them about any change immediately, e.g. within 14 days. While you are it, showing them that you are proactive about finding a new job is in your best interest.