It got sent to you by mistake so they have several years to ask for it back. So contact them and tell them.
It got sent to you by mistake so they have several years to ask for it back. So contact them and tell them.
Well I’m not surprised and I don’t think he’ll be the last in a government position. It does suck and I hope he’ll fail.
Oh I agree. I personally think there should be as fee restricitions to vote as possible. I think that lowering the age restrictions, and thus allowing more people to vote is a huge win for democracy.
Well I guess you can be as unfriendly towards AI as you want. So maybe that’s an advantage of their switch to AI?
Licht am Fahrrad! Licht am Fahrrad! DYNAMO!
Also kommt aufs Rad an. Am Stadt- und Kneipenrad halt nen Nabendynamo, an den anderen verschiedene Batterieleuchten. Die beste ist die busch und müller ixon iq.
Nope. I was referring to the results of the “under 18 elections”, which is basically a survey of who minors would vote for on the election days.
Ja, habe diesen Protest auch nicht verstanden. Also der Porno-Protest macht halt Sinn, wegen Werbeeinnahmen und so, aber schadet halt auch den “normalen” usern. Naja ich “einschüchtern” ist halt nicht so effektiv, wenn die schlimmste Konsequenz der Verlust der unbezahlten Tätigkeit ist :D Ich fänds halt schade, weil wir alle recht viel Energie in das subreddit gesteckt haben und ich meine Mit-Mods super gerne mag, allerdings glaube ich, das reddit sich mit der Entfernung von uns als mods halt mehr selbst weh tun würde. Anders als viele das glauben, ist es nämlich nicht einfach neue Mods zu finden. Bzw. neue Mods mit einem Bezug zum Subreddit, die Bock haben was anderes zu tun als nur stumpf Leute zu bannen.
I think the main argument is that 16 y.o. are old enought to work and pay taxes and social contributions. So they should be able to vote. Also The voting age is 16 in many states. The maturity argument is really hard, as it depends so much on the individual. I think 16 year olds generelly possess the same mental capacity to understand party policies and have enough knowledge of how the government system works to be able to vote.
It actually is on many state and city levels. Which kinda makes it hard to argue that voting on a federal level requires more maturity…
Also der NSFW Protest scheint reddit ziemlich weh zu tun. Zumindest genug, dass es sich lohnt die Mods größerer Subreddits wiederholt von verschiedenen Admins kontaktieren zu lassen. Wir weigern uns bisher auf SFW zu wechseln, aber ich bin mal gespannt wie lange wir noch mods bleiben, lol. DIe Admins haben uns sogar vorgeschlagen So bullshit Meme-Protestaktionen zu machen oder halt “Touchgrass-Tuesdays” oder ähnliches wie Öffnungszeiten. Das wären halt alles Protestformen die unser Subreddit beeinträchtigen würden (wir haben bisher einfach auf NSFW geswitcht ohne die Regeln/ den Content zu ändern).
unfortunatly the afd is very popular amongst young people. Especially young men in the east.
Glad you are here :)
*So comerades let’s ralley // And the last fight let us face…
I really hope that they will go on strike. They deserve fair wages and the behaviour of DB is despicable…
It’ll suck for me as a passenger though.-.-
Ah ooops, should have checked first
Thank you! Not sure whether we already told you, but you might want to hurry a bit, as we’re not exactly sure how long we will remain mods over there and who will come after us…I’d offer help, but I’m kinda the biggest noob :D
Edit: I sent the links to the other user on reddit who asked about it. If you want to, you can also make a post on r/germany and ask for help. As long as noone destroys the wiki on reddit we’re cool with people copying it and improving it elsewhere.
We appreciate it :)
Just wanted to say “hi” because you sent me here :)
So how do you milk a Bergbauer?