News Junkie
Sports Fan
Military Veteran (Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Odyssey Dawn)
Advocate for the Alliance for Peacebuilding
Trump was the worst President in U.S. History. is a server running lemmy software. It’s federated so you can subscribe to lw communities of Mastodon and comment as well. Threads and Mastodon don’t support communities though so all they can do is subscribe and comment. There is no negative to lemmy servers of Threads being federated. Threads users will subscribe to lemmy communities, but stay on Threads. If you’re on a lemmy server it doesn’t change anything. You’ll just see posts and comments with accounts ending with @threads
The thing you don’t get is that more common people will find the lemmy servers for the first time. Additionally it is more of a Twitter clone and doesn’t threaten much.
If you don’t subscribe to threads you’ll never see it.
Sounds like a South America problem. Step up Brazil.
The United States and China will be the biggest winners of climate change. The nation’s around the equator will be the biggest losers.
I just finished it and it really is good! Worth the watch!
No, because the world isn’t falling apart, you are just becoming more aware of the world.
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There is a lot of misinformation in your comment.
The United States didn’t fund Israel’s iron dome system.
There isn’t a genocide (race / tribe killing) in Gaza. That’s a population transfer or eviction of lands.
Ukraine and the United States are working together to implement a air defense system. A likely defense treaty and a 100 year lease on military bases in exchange for infrastructure rebuilding is on the table.
Reddit changed their code, if your ip address or browser ID pop-up the account is instantly banned. They track your phone ID too so you’ll have to get a new sim card to use the site again.
You can buy a 3BR home for $130K in Oklahoma City, so yes putting $20K down will absolutely secure you a home.
Oh, now a basic home isn’t good enough for you. Let me guess, it needs a swimming pool, three car garage, and a finished basement, too.
Yes, $20K down will get you a standard 3 bedroom home. You want to have a McMansion which is unaffordable for 99% of the American public.
I can tell you’ve never bought a house if you think you need $200K to do it. It’s more like $20K down and you refinance after a year to get a lower interest rate.
No, you just have to save money for a down payment. It’s not easy but you put that down and then you’re paying about $1500 to $2500 a month.
You’ll find that I’m critical of both sides in this conflict. I believe Israel and Hamas governments are in the wrong, have killed innocent people, and both should be dissolved and held accountable. This is the result of putting extremists in power.
How? Hamas attacked Israel. So Hamas is committing genocide on itself? Seems like a leopard eating you face move.
Always shop around for prices in incognito mode.
On this chart, where is the line showing babies and children beheading?
That is the part Trump and MAGA don’t understand, the military purposely must remain loyal only to the Consitution, not to a political party or individual. Anyone in the military who acts in support of Trump is subject to a Dishonorable Discharge, life in prison, or execution. If Trump issues an illegal order like to suppress free speech or free assembly any military member who follows that order would face harsh punishment and a long jail time.