If you know the Sinatra version, it wouldn’t occur to you to ask which version they’re referring to.
If you know the Sinatra version you might also know it was done by tons of other people, like Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett, Mel Tormé, etc. Sinatra wasn’t even the original.
Depressed gay people can come from a stable household
Bayonk Evangenatra would be the applicable answer here.
No, you must select ONE of the playable classes.
And they can have a vast spectrum of musical tastes. But they will all know “Fly me to the moon.”
I mean, I don’t know any, but i presume it’s true
What, like it we all come together and align ourselves to be walls and a roof (to form a stable holding house)?
Ehh my parents are divorced, which I guess has been pretty stable for the last couple decades.
Divorce is always good news.
“Stable marriage”
You vastly over credit us Sinatra fans
I’ve played Fallout, that enough?
Possibly ghoul too
Ouch. Not wrong but ouch
If I know all three versions, I’ll explode?
No, it means your parents had a stable marriage but you are gay and depressed.
Well, I’d say affirmative on 2 and 3, but my parents never married, and even though they lived together for 20 years, I wouldn’t call it stable. Ended when my father cheated on my mother with my nanny, and she then kicked the both of them out to sleep in the guest house till we moved out.
Only if you know the secret fourth one that mentions moon jiu jitsu.
Fake. My parents didn’t have a stable marriage
If you have seen Eva but you don’t remember this song, you should cancel your Netflix account and find which of your friends runs a Plex server.
Hey hey…or jellyfin
Fellas is it gay to like a really fun and challenging action game that stars a super hot and badass woman protagonist
Obviously it’s gay to like women, since women like men so you indirectly like men /s
Every capital G Gamer is repulsed by real women, based on their reactions to realistic women in media. But they definitely aren’t asexual, so logically, they’re gay
ehm I am gay and my parents were divorced. But I only know the Sinatra version. I don’t even know the other two bands
Bayonetta is a video game, and evangelion is a manga-turned-anime. I was completely unaware that either one had songs called “fly me to the moon” though.
Evangelion was an anime first. Each episode ended with one of the voice actors singing Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me To The Moon.” Some of them… definitely do not speak English.
English with Japanese accent is really funny IMO. Until you start learning Japanese that is, and a lot of words are imported from English… badly. I’m not a native English speaker but my English understanding is pretty good, and even so, katakana English can be very hard to understand without and even with transcripts.
Even in latin script, the spelling is complete nonsense. English is a creole gone feral.
Some poor sheep farmers who thought the Thames was a lovely bit of river spent one thousand years getting rolled by the Picts, the Romans, the Angles, the Normans, the Saxons, the Franks, the Danes… and half of those were just the French wearing different hats. Most of these conquerors, heirs, and particularly rowdy tourists left a significant linguistic impact on that mongrel archipelago of mayonnaise-filled peasants.
For Evangelion it was the closing Theme for the anime episodes. As it is such an iconic feature, it was reused (and reimagined) within the movies (the new ones)
Counterexample: I only know the Sinatra one (I’m so uncultured) but my parents split 32 years ago (aw hell; that long ago?) . They’re now both split from their seconds.
Divorces are hell; and in some areas like ours, the one party can end up on disability from the heart attack brought on by the stress and paying 105% of that disability benefit to the spouse.
Have instructed the wife to just murder me in my sleep.
From the Halo 1 warthog grenade jump compilation?
What about, “isn’t that a song by Savage Garden?”
🎶Fly me to the moon and back if you’ll be, if you’ll my baby who plays among the stars🎵
Oh no no. You just unlocked some weird high school cringe memories
90s kid
If they say “by 王OK”, they have it on repeat.
Didn’t know what to expect, but this artist is amazing.
What about SmallAnt1?
they, like most people, have a higher opinion of SmallAnt1 than SmallAnt1 himself ever will