I’ve been informed that adblock plus sort of sucks now. If you’re looking for one, go for UBlock Origin.

      • Nawor3565@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        11 months ago

        Yes, they allow certain “non-obtrusive” ads by default. Some people might be fine with this, but it should absolutely be opt-in, and their deal with an ad company is the only reason it’s the default.

  • usualsuspect191@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I’d be really curious how much my internet use “costs” to advertisers and if I could/would pay that amount instead.

    Like, the advertiser paid $0.0005 to serve that ad to me so I’ll just pay that amount directly to the site and not be served the ad. Just incorporate it into my internet bill and I’d pay just like I do for power or gas. And would my willingness to not see ads make me more or less valuable to advertisers and affect the math?

    I don’t like the subscription model as it seems like the price point isn’t based on actual cost at all and like they’re double-dipping by still selling my info. Charge me the actual cost plus a reasonable profit margin of 10%-20%. How much would that be? Is advertising really so valuable that I wouldn’t be willing to pay that amount? If so, are advertisers overselling the efficacy of their product?

    • Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Go the other way and create anti advertising. Every time an ad invades your time, create your own ad like how you think it tastes like cancer or that you think this podcast broke up your marriage.

      • Trail@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I’ll be honest and say I don’t really understand what you are trying to convey.

        • Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I’m opposed to ads. I think they have taken over far too much of our lives. If advertising works by invading all our spaces and free time unchecked then wouldn’t leaving comments on those ads saying how annoyed you are with these products not counter act the encroaching mass advertisements. I think it would.

          I think if people fought back against ads we could get some cool spaces back. Or at least stem this insane concept that every free space with a single eyeball gazing at it must be sold to someone hawking crap.

          Reddit went to shit chasing ads. Twitter, YouTube, all of them turn to shit and manipulative doom scrolling ways so they can sell advertise space to us. Fuck them.

          • GelatinGeorge@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            You might be interested in subvertising which actively works to reclaim the spaces invaded by advertising.

            One could, in theory, download the posters and put them up over the relentlessly shite, unasked for adverts that permeate every part of your city. One could even buy a key which opens certain advert spaces - such as bus stops - and replace them with any image of your choosing. Obviously this is illegal and no one would ever do this, however, I assume wearing a hi-vis vest and beanie hat would work surprisingly well when not doing this illicit activity. Also, complain about the hourly rates if questioned and you’ll absolutely be left alone.

  • credit crazy@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Honestly I never understood why ads try so hard to be annoying like I just don’t see how that is more profitable than making a ad that simply makes your product look good somehow they must be working as they are so prominent but I still just don’t get it

    • ILikeBoobies@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      It’s going to depend on age as well

      Zoomers for instance will see an ad to download something and they’d download it. Millennials won’t click ads at all but if they see a software ad then they will assume it’s a scam and avoid that software

      So if you are making an ad you want to focus on the Zoomer demographic

      As far as annoying, look at the type of YouTubers that Zoomers like. They like annoying things

      • Daqu@feddit.de
        11 months ago

        Seriously? Those kids download software from ads? What happened to the school of “don’t click the wrong button on this warez site”?

    • Jagermo@feddit.de
      11 months ago

      Because, in the golden days of ads, your metrics were bullshit. You had a print ad and someone said that they sold this many issues and, because of the papers totally not biased market research the told you that for every paper sold, x more people saw your ad. Same with TV and Radio, most numbers around viewers or listeners are basically made up with some fancy statistics.

      With the Internet, suddenly you had hard data - your ad has been requested x times. But, that data was always below the fancy print/tv/radio numbers, so the companies had to either push more or reduce prices. That’s how they designed more and more intrusive ads like the ones with the shitty hidden close icon. The longer you need to close it, the longer is the “ad viewed” metric. The more you click on fake X buttons, the higher is the click rate or click through rate. Ad metrics have always been a scam and no one wants to change it.