• Koffiato@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s still more monstrous that anything Isreal have done…, and boy oh boy they’ve done things.

    I’ve seen way too many photos and videos in the past day. I’ve seen a women got shot in her car from the outside. Her baby was executed on the back seat. Mind you, the religion they believe in absolutely prohibits this.

    I’ve seen the video of the Israeli soldiers lifeless bodies getting beaten and limbs getting cut off. I’ve seen soldier bodies getting loaded on to jeeps, pickups or even a guy carrying a body with a scooter.

    I saw the video of an Israeli woman taken hostage, with her crotch are having blood(?) stains.

    I’ve seen the pictures of women that were taken hostage and their relatives looking for them in Facebook. (Technically, Islam don’t prohibit female hostages to be used as sex slaves, but I might be wrong on that).

    I even saw the German girl they’ve murdered, strip and carry the body around with a pickup.

    On the other side, the worst thing Israelis did were to strip down and reverse hand cuffed bunch of Hamas people. Also numbering them with paint.

    Both sides are bad but holy fuck, seeing what Hamas have done in the course of a single day…, Isrealis look like they’re good guys (which they definitely aren’t, btw).

    • I looked for footage and i have seen none of these. Also saying the worst Israel did was handcuff some people is full of bullshit, when there is videos of them bombing hospitals and NGOs like MFS reporting their doctors killed. Oh and of course there is the constant killing of Palestinians over the years, like the murder of a journalist last year.