Internet should be public like many other utilities.
The internet is free and public. You can go to any mcdonalds and go all the internetting you want. At home, its all the buried cabled that have to be checked on and maintained that you have to pay for.
Lmfao you think they actually maintain that shit? They dont check on it, that’s part of the problem.
Won’t they start pulling more and more tax for it then ? Having it private keeps the competition at least, wouldn’t you agree ?
ISPs in the US are notorious for getting public funds for services that they never provide, so I wouldn’t be too concerned about that.
Your taxes already subsidize it. You just don’t see any benefits for your money in the current system because they pocket it without making upgrades.
It’s so weird to read these articles. I live in a shithole country, but even here fibre internet with 2.5gbps speeds is easily available… 5G ain’t bad but against it never feels replacing that kind of connection for me.
Well, I live in Germany and I know quite a few people who have internet so bad IPoAC would be a valid option. You can get fibre but A it’s fucking expensive and B you need to live somewhere where there actually is fibre. Most people either have DSL or cable. DSL is “slow” (depending where you live up to 250mbps. Most places only get up to 100mbps) and expensive (although not as expensive as fibre). And cable is fast (up to Gigabit) and a bit cheaper but the biggest pile of garbage I‘ve ever seen.
I see Avian carrier I upvote