Musk said last week: “I disagree with the idea of unions. I just don’t like anything which creates a lords-and-peasants kind of thing.”
What a colossal twat.
lords-and-peasants kind of thing
The thing he refers to is of course people he sees as peasants not accepting him as lord.
Says son of an emerald lord.
Hey, those werent peasants. He bought them legally and even gave them enough bread most of the time.
He just hates when peasants win, he doesn’t mind the lords and peasants otherwise.
Not only doesn’t he like the peasants winning, he also doesn’t like to be reminded that the peasants are indeed in power - because his lordship relies a lot more on them than vice versa.
Tesla is expected to appeal the decision though. This was just the first court. We have 3, the last being the supreme Court.
Until the appeal is through it does hold though.
Ha! Ha!
Høhøhø. asg.
Höhöhö (we’re not Danish)
Needs more danskjävlar