I’ve always argued this wasn’t the case and that motoring is a worse transport mode because of the associated externalities, not because of anything inherent to the users.

But you can’t argue with the scienceTM!

  • aelwero@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Lol… “Study shows what we want it to show”

    It’s a comparison between drivers and riders using four cherry picked criteria that would most likely generate the predetermined narrative. It’s science for hire.

    Drivers run the gamut from tree huggy beetle driver to Ford f950 with the extra black smoke package and factory standard swastika paint job, and cyclists, while on a narrower scale (you’ll never see mr super smoker on a Schwinn…), still have a similar scale and can absolutely be assholes.

    The dissociation part is accurate, but it’s not a matter of vehicle type or size, because commercial drivers are commonly on the same end of the awareness scale as motorcyclists. It’s not about personality, it’s about risk.

    • yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      So you didn’t bother to read the paper, didn’t you.

      using four cherry picked criteria

      There’s a lengthy part of that paper discussing their criteria, with references to other studies.

      Ford f950 with the extra black smoke package and factory standard swastika paint job

      Which doesn’t even remotely exist in Germany, where this study was done. Which, you know, you could have known if you’d actually read the study…

      It’s science for hire.

      “This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”

      • Windex007@lemmy.world
        11 months ago


        The lead authours stated personal goal is to increase proportion of bicycle use from 8% to 25%.

        While it might not be “science for hire”, the authours have a pre-existing and documented goal.

        I’m not saying the results are wrong… Only that you maybe shouldn’t be so quick to shit on the guy who raised his eyebrow… Because it’s an extremely valid question to ask, given the facts about the relationship between the authours of the study and the clearly personal relationship they have to the subject matter.

        They, in essence, did a study that “confirmed” that they themselves are better people than 92% of the population.

        • Turun@feddit.de
          11 months ago

          Did they have a preconceived goal and then did the research to match it, or did they do the research and then formed a goal to match it?

          These are two different things. And while the former is bad, the latter is not. In fact, forming a political opinion after in-depth study of a topic is something we should all do.