• Saleh
    9 hours ago

    Some started, aftervthe police stormed into the protest violently to do arbitrary arrests.

    since a few month at the protests in Berlin it is normal for multiple people to be injured so severly, that they need an ambulance, people to be choked unconscious by police, police denying access for doctors to injured people, police randomly hitting, shoving, kicking people and of course beating people up that are arrested.

    All of these are documented on video. The police deliberately escalates to violence, while present press from pro zionist, racist media outlets like Axel Springer or Tagesspiegel conveniently ignore the police violence to paint the protests as aggressive afterwards.

    Oh amd plus points for the police to target teenagers and women, to ensure people to get aggressive, when they see grown men violently attacking boys and girls. weighing half of their weight.

    • Melchior
      7 hours ago

      If you want to show police violence, it is incredibly important for the protest not get violent itself. Thunberg being part of it, meant more media then normal and 400 protestors is low enough for everybody to stay on message.

      • Saleh
        7 hours ago

        If you are attacked by Police there is two options. Get beaten up and be called violent for resisting arrest or get beaten up slightly less by fighting back and get called violent.

        The goal of the police, the nationalist mayor of Berlin (he thinks the name of someome should be deciding about who is a “real” German and who is “only” a German citizen) and the authoritarian interior ministers is to beat the protestors up so much, that they stop protesting. It is a classic authoritarian violent repressive strategy. They tried to get the courts to ban protests altogether, but the courts aren’t put in line yet. There is complicit media outlets, similar to fox news in the anglosphere.

        There is people who seek fights as a form of protest in Berlin, but this is in non announced actions or after the police violently ended announced demonstrations. There is videos of these where they shoot fireworks and put barricades on the streets. But these are very different from the regular protests and i would be extremely suprised if Thunberg has anything to do with these.