+1 for KDE Connect.
Especially in OPs use case of transmitting small snippets such as urls, the automatic clipboard synchronization should be very useful.
+1 for KDE Connect.
Especially in OPs use case of transmitting small snippets such as urls, the automatic clipboard synchronization should be very useful.
Don’t need a Linux PC to use KDE Connect, it works perfectly fine under windows too
Llama 3.1 405b has entered the chat
I tried to create metaballs in Godot about 2 years ago, but if I remember correctly, there is no inbuilt way to achieve this easily. CSGMesh is not useful anyways.
Back then I tried around with different screen space shaders but ultimately chose a different look for my project and thus abandoned this pursuit.
So I am pretty sure it is doable, but it is not going to be straightforward.
Nicht so extrem wie pures Koffein? Finde es seltsam, guaraná hier zu differenzieren, denn die aktive Komponente ist da auch Koffein.
Wobei auch nur ein Teil des Artikels verfügbar ist.
Sprichst du vom Kosovo?
Wie verblendet muss man sein, das als Angriffskrieg der Deutschen zu betiteln?
I don’t understand what you are telling me
Oh okay, not a good look.
Probably due to automatic extension reviews by Mozilla.
Sad that it happened, but at least it doesn’t impact the actual uBlock, only the lite version for which I honestly see no purpose in Firefox anyways.
Fick pay or okay
Hier, zum copy-pasten, scheint auf deinem Endgerät zu fehlen:
ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß
Hier, zum copy-pasten, scheint auf deinem Endgerät zu fehlen:
ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß
While most of the development focus today is on 4.x releases, enthusiasts have been busy improving the 3.x branch: fixing bugs, optimizing and increasing reliability, providing quality of life improvements, and adding new features.
Ich bin gespannt, ob du diesen gehässig-ironischen Ton auch nächstes Jahr auspackst, wenn die AfD auf Bundesebene bei den Erstwählern >30% holt.
Was hat denn jetzt Penny damit zu tun?
I’m not sure. I would assume that clipboard / file sharing etc would still work, but I have never tried something like that.