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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • that is why i said invaded by the united states and not the un. i think us can guarantee israeli safety. but immediate sacrifices must be made, like having to move house for a while, until the peace process is finished. it could work. it would solve a lot of problems. but i know this is pure unfiltered hopism.

    edit: we’ll do like this. the us takes control of israel, the un control of gaza and the west bank. settlers would be under united states protection until the peace process is finished.

  • everyday, in fact international security agencies should do more to help. in fact greater israel should be a international nation new home of the united nations. the us should invade to establish a cease fire until this is established. it is the only way to stop the blood shed. from both sides. after all israeli settlers can’t be left without protection until the law is the same for all greater israel citizens.

  • are we suppose to take the label “terrorist” serious when it comes to the israelis? just because israel labels someone a terrorist it doesn’t make it true.

    but i know your thought process. it is based on the false premisse that israel is not a terrorist state.

    if israel arrests you on the charges of terrorism it doesn’t make you a terrorist. it makes you an enemy to a “terrorist state”. you can use terror and be a terrorist when fighting israel, but just because you get arrested by idf, it doesn’t automatically makes you a terrorist, imho.