• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I’m really torn on news like this.

    I’ll get it out of the way that I am jealous. I wish I had been able to do what she did. I also think that if more people cared about education on this level, we could really get a significantly smarter population and start to solve some of the problems in the world.

    Having said that, I have concerns over what her life is like. I would need a lot more details to feel comfortable that this kind of lifestyle is healthy for someone. She missed out on most of her childhood at this point, a time most adults look back on fondly as a time when they had no responsibilities. I have so many follow-up questions that the article doesn’t address.

    • Is she truly self-motivated or does she have someone like her parents urging her to do this?
    • Given a choice, would she do it again?
    • What was her workload like? Was she constantly studying or is she lucky enough to not need to?

    Also, more for my curiosity than anyone else’s well-being:

    • How do you even sign a 10 year old up for college?
    • Do professors give leniency to an 11 year old in class or are they getting the same experience an 18 year old would get?