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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2020

  • They are not PR people, don’t expected that of just normal people having fun. No one is promising “chrome killer coming in six months”.

    Thig is that for SerenityOS they want to make everything from scratch, ssh, ssl, libraries, utils, text editor… even the browser. They could have just porr Firefox, but that was not the point. To use it you had to complile whole OS.

    But since browser got some attention and sone complex sites (like guthub and twitter) started working in it, to make project more viable they are dropping this constraint for browser. I guess they migt use some gui library, ssl lib, codecs… stuff like that. But, I expect, they will not use others code for rendering engine and js, but continue with implementation from documentation.

    While some in this thread say they are racist, homophobic and stuff. Maybe some are maybe just not polished for public speak, do we really think everyone in google is totally clean?

  • It actually exists and is being developed for the last three yeras. But you have to compile it by youself. Just a way to prevent people from having expectations, but a lot of modern sites are working in it. Some errors, a bit slow, but they have rendering engine, css parser, js implementation and are working closely with w3c - they have found some bugs in the standard since they are implementing it directly.

    Great and useful project, I don’t know if it will become real competition to firefox and chrome, but I guess it will get traction. A lot of people want new browser, some of them have money.

  • I always wondered why they haven’t been doing it from the start, seams like it is not as simple as I imagine.

    People will take it, there is no other option and G is working hard not to allow another video platform.

    Problem is ads they are playing are awful and loud. We will make way to silent them and black them out, it is not hard.

    Bigger problem is content they are pushing is getting bad and is pushing creators into burnout. And I don’t want to see videos companies are creating, but want individual contributions.

  • Keep in mind that it all started 20 years ago with Pulseaudio. Pottering was not really a nice guy (on mailing lists ofc, I don’t know him personally) whose software I wanted on my machine.

    Problem was never speed or even technical, problem was trust on original author and single-mindedness that they were promoting. Acting like it is the only way forward, so anyone believing in freedom part of free software was against it. Additionally, it was looking like tactics used by proprietary software companies to diminish competition.

    It looked scary to some of us, and it still does, even worse is that other software started having it as hard dependency.

    All of this looks like it was pushed from one place: Portering and RedHat.

    While after 20 years I might have gotten a bit softer, you can imagine that 15 years ago some agresive and arogant guy who had quite a bad habbit of writing (IMHO) stupid opinions wanted to take over my init system… no, I will not let him, not for technical reasons but for principal.

    I want solutions to come from community and nice people, even if they are inferior, I will not have pottering’s code on my machine so no systemd and no pulseaudio for me, thank you, and for me it is an important choice to have.