As the saying goes, there’s only two hard problems in IT:
Caching, naming things, and off by one errors.
Beware that the problem with rooftop greenery is that a lot of building’s ceilings aren’t strong enough for massive soil.
So either the soil has to be very thin, or it often isn’t practical. Keep that in mind.
the army food was great
me too. I was with the military for 6 months (it’s obligatory in my country) and the food was delicious. Not just very nutritious and also healthy, but it really filled you, and made you feel good. Much better than what I got at home.
Oh no you can’t. Building a ship that can cross the ocean (without you drowning first of course) is actually quite difficult. Not only does it have to be extremely durable, you also have to have a lot of knowledge to navigate. And then there’s the economic problems, like who pays for it, how do you get enough food, etc…
US Democrats could have done this a decade ago. They could have codified abortion rights. They could have made so many things a priority: they choose not to. I owe nothing to a failed approach to politics.
I must correct you there. There is a theory that says that politics has to fulfill the will of its average voter. It can not lean further left than that. Otherwise it looses voters on the righter side.
Society is like a big vehicle. It takes time to change its course. Calm down.
Das ist ja das Wesen einer Pacht oder der Miete: Man bekommt für die vertraglich vereinbarte Zeit die Nutzungsrechte. Darüber hinaus muss man damit rechnen, dass man sie nicht wieder bekommt.
Tatsächlich ja, aber:
Es ist üblich, Ackerflächen mehrmals hintereinander an den selben Bauern zu verpachten. Bauern brauchen langfristige Planungssicherheit, und darum macht man das so.
Dass die Ackerfläche nicht mehr an den gleichen Bauern vermietet wird, ist kein Rechtsbruch, aber durchaus unüblich.
IMO the only way to not be infected by bot content is to not be popular, or small enough to be irrelevant.
I believe they called them that because the first people to try them liked them so much, they thought they were in paradise.
Smartphone manufacturers, if you’re reading this:
I spent 6 hours on google to find a phone with a screen smaller than 6 inch. I did find none (except an old iPhone, but I want android), so I had to buy one 6 inch. It is too unwieldy. I am annoyed.
There is a serious market for people like me. Do not look away. Somebody will buy these phones.
Also, by the way, it’s not bad if the phones are a bit thicker.
Nicht direkt heißes Wasser auf die kalten Hände geben. Stattdessen erst mal lauwarmes.