• 45 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • I don’t have much of a memory of Crossroads so maybe it was a slog too. Probably. I do remember Knife of Dreams being a sudden change of pace that moved along fairly briskly, because Jordan was dying at the time. It was a welcome change, but it honestly pissed me off that this joker had been faffing around for 3,000+ pages on purpose and could have written a better story anytime he wanted. That still pisses me off, actually. If Sanderson hadn’t provided a brisk and serviceable trilogy to end the series I doubt I would have finished it.

  • For fiction, I’ve been working my way through the Inspector Rutledge murder mystery series by the mother/son duo that wrote as Charles Todd. I really haven’t liked this series, to be honest, I’m only reading it because I like the genre and the setting, and a family member is into them so we can talk about them when I see them. But I really don’t care for the protagonist and the pseudo-schizophrenic voice in his head is a gimmick that got old really fast.

    For non-fiction, I’m reading Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry by Austin Frerick, and holy cow (pun not intended) is it an eye-opener. You know how some non-fiction books will make you see the world differently, and also piss you off? Yeah, it’s one of those. But told well enough that the rage isn’t too bad. I’m actually enjoying it, in a “holy shit” sort of way. (And shit is a big portion of the book, since that’s the by-product from pig farming enclosures that has poisoned the majority of the rivers in Iowa and portions in other states.)

  • Beato is a great musician, and some of his interviews are pretty cool. I think he’s off base on this, hwoever.

    Enshittification is how platforms die. To go back to the original article/post by Cory Doctorow that coined the phrase:

    Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.

    Beato isn’t wrong that the music industry is well into the cycle of enshittification, he just doesn’t identify the actual reasons why. The music industry abused its artists for decades in a way that initially benefitted music consumers, but then the studios/labels/publishers cranked up the prices on consumers too, and then the industry started devouring a lot of the publishers and studios and labels themselves as Spotify and Amazon and others started eating their lunch.

    I do think there is a link between music industry enshittification and some negative trends in music. Cory Doctorow and his co-author Rebecca Giblin point out in their book Chokepoint Capitalism that platforms like Spotify prioritize mass production of cheap-to-license “background” music that all blends together in a mush, because they prioritize total volume of listening rather than any particular listening experience.

  • Glad I’m not the only one having trouble, my LMDE is less than 90 days from end-of-support, and the mintupgrade tool isn’t working for me. At my skill level, I’ve resigned myself to doing a fresh install, but it’s very frustrating. I typically use Mint because I don’t want to have to do that level of configuration and legwork, and it’s a bit off-putting.