Not ideologically pure.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • Yeah, it’s not what he’s saying. But the formulation - sending a child away from the womb of it’s mother" - is fundamentally fucked up because it completely removes the mother from the equation. It doesn’t even bother to explicitly deprive her of the control over her body - it simply doesn’t recognise her existence at all.

    I think, more than anything, that’s why this line of talking is fucked up. It kind of assumes totalitarianism where no matter what, it’s at least not the choice of the individual women/owners of the wombs.

    What moderate Catholics will use as a defence is, I guess, the use of the word “child”. No reasonable person would consider a lump of 30 cells a “child”. But we all know the pope thinks it’s a child as soon as the sperm hits the egg, so fuck that as well.

  • They define decentralisation as an even distribution of users? Or did I get that wrong skimming the paper?

    This seems arbitrary. Mastodon is a decentralised network, no matter how big is. Lemmy is equally decentralised, even though there’s a dominant actor.

    The other hubs in the network don’t revolve around they connect to each other bilaterally - if the central hubs disappeared over night it wouldn’t affect them all that much.

    I think the notion that decentralised networks can’t have hubs of varying sizes is plain wrong, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what decentralized means.

  • I think they find themselves in a position they didn’t really ask for by being so huge that they’re suddenly defining a lot of things. With that many users depending on your product, change necessarily becomes slower and you have to test things to a whole different level before implementing anything. I kind of see why it can be tricky to make technical changes to their ActivityPub implementation at this point, especially as people are yelling left and right for different and often contradicting features.

    Sure, it has some negative consequences, but Mastodon’s success is still only a good thing, and I don’t think there’s any good reason at all to expect bad intent from any of it’s developers.

    In other news, I’m getting really tired of all the shit they’re receiving.

  • Hats off to the EU for funding both this and the recently announced Fediscovery, along with many other Fediverse developments (a personal favourite being Seppo!).

    For those unfamiliar, it’s basically money from the European Commission. The Commission, as part of Horizon Europe, has a project called Next Generation Internet (NGI). NGI funds an independent organizatio,n NLnet, which takes the money from its sponsors and funds a variety of projects. NLnet is also sponsored by other actors (at least Switzerland); you can check each individual project funding on their website.

    So if you’re a European tax payer, you’re helping create this common good through your taxes. Thanks! :)

  • That’s obviously hyperbolic, but it does unleash some fun mechanisms. I think it’s fair to assume many Swifties are apolitical - the demography of young voters it’s traditionally hard to get to vote. Not more so than previous generations, it’s just that they have other things they care about in their lives, unlike the old farts who always vote and always vote red.

    This endorsement will inevitably cause some GOP furniture fucker or another to attack Swift in public. And that’s when this becomes properly important - you do not want to start a war against Swifties in the current political environment.

    But I wouldn’t write Trump off before his dead, buried, and millions are doing pilgrimage to piss on his grave. Until then, we’ve learned better than to overestimate the American electorate.

  • Very cool!

    Do you be have any idea how tolling scraping these data is for the servers?

    If this is something you want to keep working on, maybe it could be combined with a sort of Threadiverse fund raiser: we collectively gather funds to cover the cost of scraping (plus some for supporting the threadiverse, ideally), and once we reach the target you release the map based on the newest data and money is distributed proportionally to the different instances.

    Maybe it’s a stupid idea, or maybe it would add too much pressure into the equation. But I think it could be fun! :)