Just chilling

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not saying it doesn’t suck for this person, but product market fit is a thing for open source too. If people need it they’ll use it and contribute until something better comes along. If not, your idea wasn’t the one. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Nearly my whole life runs on open source software, so it’s pretty clearly sustainable.

    over the years, using “open source” has become an excuse to avoid paying for software

    Um. Yes. And to be blunt: obviously. And in return, I give away software I create for free whether people need it or not, and try to give back in the form of contributions too. But I’ve never once given up my day job for it. Would that be nice? Maybe. But open source software is more frequently sustained by passionate people using and expanding it for their own projects and not by expecting people to pay you for your efforts when you’re likely not paying (nodejs, github, ahem) for the software you’re building it on anyway.

  • Right, but if I can’t redirect (ISP just drops packets afaict) and you don’t explicitly type https:// or use an https link, and I don’t have something like HSTS preload configured for that domain, your browser will just hang if it’s on my system. You can’t just type “” and have it work unless you happen to hit my hairpin, i.e. be on my network.

    Mostly I try to keep things I want publicly available on .dev and it just works thanks to the full .dev HSTS preload. But it’s still annoying.