I relfected my own insecurities about my sexuality onto my partner, sadly i didnt realised that they where nonbinary :(
It certainly wasnt the final nail in the coffin but something i still feel guilty about.
I relfected my own insecurities about my sexuality onto my partner, sadly i didnt realised that they where nonbinary :(
It certainly wasnt the final nail in the coffin but something i still feel guilty about.
I always dislike it when people start a petition on a commercial platform and not with the official tools given by the EU or the local goverment
Thats sadly the thing with non commercial work/science. It often dosn’t have a fancy product announcement that gets picked up by the news.
Im just gonna drop this here
There ist allready an Open Web Index in the making
it just depends on the friend circle, i dont think that it would be weird in mine
Where is the Money?!?! Back in my pocket because that dry dude can be pickpocket
I think that those are tiles, when layed properly they cant be removed without damaging them.
Remeber Kids, only Data that dosn’t exist is save from theft
Not realy since Open source is most of the time still the best Option, and you cant realy controll Open source since there is always the option to fork Things. (For example If the US decided that China ist a NoNo the Open source Community in EU or India can do what they want since it is not under their jurisdiction)
Project Technician working in development of machines
We do
Yes, Not to forget the bi flush and the Ace flush tho
PSA: dont use Aluminium, the soft Metall will rub of and get stuff black and dirty
Gelesen habe ich eigentlich nur Macht Übernahme von Arne semsrott (https://chaos.social/@arnesemsrott). Das Buch kann ich weiterempfehlen, kann in manchen Ecken einen zwar depressiv machen gibt aber auch immer wieder Hoffnung.
Zu etwas anderem bin ich nicht gekommen da viel los war.
Where is this from?