hier könnte etwas interessantes stehen :)
I don’t know your style so I will recommend some I saw at the festival: Camo & Krooked, Mefjus, Mozey, A.M.C, Monrroe, Jumpin Jack Frost. Aaand some others: Monss, Disphonia, Primate, Commix, Phibes.
I want to add, if you don’t like the music, you still have a vacation in Croatia ;)
It’s mostly Drum and Bass DJs that are somewhat related to Hospital Records (UK). So, a lot of UK people there (recognizable by the balloons :). Almost all of the sets I saw were great. Also I had friends in the resort directly behind the main stage :D (ideal to decide when to leave the balcony and go raving)
Hospitality on the Beach in Croatia
UPDATE: I had already booked a second apartment for the festival. I wrote my friend (26M) before that I didn’t really know if it was a good idea to go to the festival with them. (I also wrote her) He reassured my decision to go with them with the simple statement “I think we can manage this”. So I cancelled my single apartment and went with them and the other girl. It went pretty much how I expected it. I discovered the festival on my own and spent most of the time with other people I know and the girl I didn’t know before. The two (20F and 26M) spent almost all time together, so I spent most of the time we were together with the other girl. Also, another couple came on the day before the last day and spent the night at our place. This was another opportunity to spend the night with other people and reconnect.
I don’t think the festival will be a problem. We’re staying in an apartement where I’ve got my own room. There’s another girl I don’t really know with us, but she seems friendly. Also there are about 30 people from my area at the festival. Some I know better, some less. So there will be a lot of time and opportunities to connect with other people. I plan not to focus too much on her.
Also I booked the apartment back in January and it’s probably too late to ask other people if I can come with them, so I’m making the best of it.
You summed up pretty good how I feel about all this. The only thing missing is that I didn’t quite know how to tell her exactly that a friendship is not possible for me right now.
Thanks, it already felt like I had to do this. Will talk to some friends about it nonetheless.
Hab eine Filterpatrone und bei mir ist das Wasser extrem hart. Läuft aktuell zwei Jahre mit ein mal entkalken noch perfekt. Aber ich glaube da muss ich noch was länger Kaffee trinken bis ich was merke.
I had the same problem not in jerboa but on desktop and I think it came from new posts loading at the top. Anyone else has this problem?
I think I didn’t read the title correctly \ (O_o) /
Was man da noch sagen soll? Irgendwas mit -Innen oder * schon mal nicht /s
Solltest du ihnen vielleicht doch zur Sicherheit schreiben?
Similar here. Sometimes when scrolling down it just jumps up some posts. Using desktop.
I DID spend a lot less time in the last month on Reddit than before. Now everyone is constantly talking about how to let reddit be like it used to be and a lot of subs are private.