• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Ist das schon Arbeitsverweigerung?

    Es ist Authoritarismus und Protofaschismus. Es werden mehr und mehr Bereiche aus der Judikative gezogen, und der Exekutive überlassen. Gericht entscheided, dass Parole nicht strafbar ist? Egal, Polizei prügelt trotzdem Demonstranten weg und nimmt sie fest.

    Strafen sollen nur für Straftaten in Strafprozessen verhängt werden? Egal, Ausländerbehörde haut erstmal Abschiebebescheide raus. Dann bis zur Zurückweisung durch das Verwaltungsgericht warten zu müssen in Unsicherheit und Angst, ohne bei Themen wie Arbeitserlaubnis vorankommen zu können fickt die Psyche sowieso besser als jede Bewährungsstrafe.

    Es ist gibt schon ein Geständnis, dass jemand “1 Pimmel” gezwitschert hat? Egal, trotzdem gibt es die Hausdurchsuchung und Beschlagnahmung aller möglichen digitalen Geräte.

    Jemand überklebt Bundeswehrplakate mit kreativen Sprüchen, was allenfalls als leichte Sachbeschädigung zählt? Wie wärs mit DNA Proben und Fingerabdrücken und dann Hausdurchsuchungen mit Schusswaffen im Anschlag?

    Es geht darum, Deutschland mehr und mehr in einen Polizeistaat umzubauen und die AfD freut sich jeden Tag über die Vorarbeit, die vermeintlich progressive Parteien für sie leisten.

  • Klar, ein freies Palästina zu fordern, in dem Menschen gleichberechtigt nebeneinander Leben können ist natürlich total banal und platt. Und von einem 150 Jährigen Konflikt zu sprechen, wenn bis in die 50er Jahre und dem Rebranding allen Zionisten klar war, dass sie ein siedlerkolonialistisches Projekt sind, dass nur mit ethnischen Säuberungen umzusetzen ist, ist purer Geschichtsrevisionismus. Genauso steht in der israelischen Verfassung, dass es ein jüdischer Ethnostaat ist, und es somit keine Gleichberechtigung für Menschen anderer Ethnien und Religionen geben wird.

    Aber allein diese Realität anzuerkennen, den Zionisten zuzuhören und sie ernstzunehmen, wenn sie offen darüber sprechen ist in Deutschland genauso verpöhnt, wie Jüdinnen und Juden zuzuhören und sie ernstzunehmen, wenn sie das zionistische Projekt mit offenen Worten kritisieren.

    Und natürlich werden bei Palästinademos Jüdinenn und Juden brutal verhaftet, wenn sie “from the river to the sea” rufen. Deutsche Polizisten, die Juden zusammenschlagen ist nämlich der beste Schutz vor Antisemitismus in Deutschland. Muss man wissen.

  • Again your problem is that you restrain yourself and your idea of political action to casting a vote every other year, instead of understanding that voting is the least effective and least relevant form of political action, especially in a system where both major parties are out to keep the middle and lower class in check for their billionaire “donors”.

  • And here we go again. Once someone from a marginalized group exposes the lack of backbone and the insincerity of you, you attack him personally and suggest him to be part of “the enemy”. It is funny in a sad way because this reads exactly like /r/conservative over on reddit, when people challenged the current Trump narrative.

  • Biden is literally arming a genocide. He was even adamant about his continued support for that. Meanwhile Dems led cities have brutally beaten up peaceful colelge protests and invited fascist MAGA mobs to attack minority students there.

    The DNC and Biden do not protect minorities. They are white supremacists with just a bit more moderation to the means they employ, but they will absolutely resort to authoritarian crackdowns if they feel the minorities to step out of line by demanding justice and rights.

  • And you are happily imprisoning yourself into believing that the system is right to only offer you these two as candidates. If everyone that was progressive and unhappy with Biden would vote for Stein, then she could win. It is the mere talk about her having no chance of winning and the vote being wasted that keeps people in line to take the system as is.

    I see the same arguments made against voting for smaller parties in my country where there is a minimum % they need to achieve before getting parliament seats. It is a system designed to preserve the current political elites with their network to the economic and cultural elites against ideas and movements taking a foothold.

    Everyone sees what Biden is and what he stands for. If everyone who disagrees with that would take to the streets and demand the DNC to hold a real primary, or better yet demand fundamental changes to the political system, you would be surprised what is possible.

  • In a two party system the only way to “crush” the extreme right is by establishing another party to take the spot in the two party system. And you know what will happen then? The Dems will move from being the far right party with gay rights to being the extreme right party. Because they already are far right by any sensible measure.

  • I mean all the concerned people could take to the streets right now.

    The DNC wants you to believe that all you can do is cast your vote for something every other year and just take the options presented. In that sense they are worse than the Reps who encourage their base to be active for more than just the ballots and it is working.

    Especially now the Dems give me huge 1984 vibes in how the individual should handle politics relative to the party.

  • Tryptaminev@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    2 days ago

    Blue MAGA as in dogmatically following and defending the leader, while deflecting any valid criticism with extreme vitriol. I have been called a secret Trump advocate for saying that Biden is a genocide supporter and in declining mental health. Pointing out that the Dems could have propped up a better candidate and need to do that, was met with attacks.

    Saying that they are alienating minority voters was met with racist attacks against those minorities, claiming them to be dumb. Actually they willing to face much more threats than the white upper class liberal from a Trump presidency, but they have the backbone to say that genocide is a red line and they understand that if they accept one genocide the next one is coming, until they are the ones being genocided.

    Any notion that the Democrats are an establishment party that is playing with fire by continuing down their establishment road instead of working towards being a real progressive alternative that most people would love to vote for, was shunned.

    It is political delusionalism, fueled by gas lighting from the DNC cabal. Instead of motivating their base, instead of providing a vision and inspiration they chose to gaslight, shame and threat their base into submission. That is how you build a cult and that is how you destroy any progressive political movement. Because then all people are left with is fear of loosing out, which is easily exploited by fascists like Trump.

  • Tryptaminev@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    2 days ago

    You let the Democrats gaslighting work on you. Since half a year they make us think, that the only two options are Trump and Biden, when in fact they could have allowed for proper primaries. They could have worked to prop up other candidates as viable alternatives. But they wanted the puppet they can control.

    It is not too late to acknowledge Biden to be unfit and put up a different candidate. I have been advocating for this here since months. But instead of acknowledging that there is more real options, the DNC propaganda worked and works hard to limit our thinking to “its either one of them, no looking past the fishbowl”.

    Biden was never voted because he was Biden. He was voted because he wasn’t Trump. Any halfway decent candidate that does not shares Bidens dogmatic support for genocide in Gaza and abusing immigrants can fill this role a hundred times better. Any such candidate could win the election in a landslide.

    Pull the emergency brake on the Biden train. The Biden train is going into the abyss.

  • The identity of the mid is of no consequence at all.

    And that is why Trump won in the first place in 2016. This line of thinking does not work. People are rightfully scared of seeing a weak old men being put up to run the most powerful and most dangerous country in the world. And people cannot feel that voting for Biden will be the right choice, because our animal brains rightfully demand a leader to have the qualities of a leader.