• 12 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024

  • Teppichbrandtoich_ielIch🐮🍗🥦iel
    53 minutes ago

    Ich kann absolut verstehen, dass für etwas so lebensveränderndes wie eine Ernährungsumstellung nicht alle Menschen mal eben bereit sind. Wir werden ja von Geburt an widerspruchslos und von allen Institutionen darauf geprägt, bestimmte Tiere zu essen. Aus dieser Ideologie auszusteigen braucht Informationen, Disziplin und Mut. Respekt an alle, die sich auf den Weg machen!
    Ich raufe mir aber die Haare bei all den Bullshit Bingo-Typen (lange auf die Kacheln tippen), die das Problem, das unendliche Elend und die Vernichtung gar nicht annehmen, sondern von sich wegdiskutieren wollen.

  • I’ve probably seen weirder, but this one was pretty funny:
    I rode my bike along a huge river in a big city in Germany. It was already dark and my light was broken. In front of me I saw something blinking brightly coming at me. As it came closer I realized it was a guy on a bike that had lots of lights and reflectors attached to both the bike and the guy. He wore a light on his helmet, on his arms and his thigh. As he passed by me he looked at me super grumpy and said:
    “How about some light?!”

  • Yeah, no…
    You’re no fighter for truth and justice here. You parrot Wikipedia, you cherrypick by citing only the two paragraphs from people who (don’t even fully) disagree with him, you have obviously not read a single one of his books nor looked into the guys history. You don’t reply to anything I said, you just repeat your false claim.
    I told a guy who eats 3 eggs a day to not do it, linking a text which is completely backed by science. So please get out of the way, troll, you’re slowing progress down.

  • This is an age old topic and there is no right answer to it. You need to decide where you draw the line. Unpersecuted vigilantism will lead to chaos, on the other hand, we live in an unjust and structural violent system where rich people kill by signing papers and poor, desperate people die. They sometimes even vote for the elite before dying.
    I glued myself to the street to protest our government not acting on our planet heating up. I knew I broke the law but I felt like I needed to. It was a rough experience, still I don’t regret it because I did what felt necessary to me. The guy shooting the CEO probably feels the same, and pathetic “Proud Boys” chasing immigrants do so as well. For me, violence against other people is a line I don’t see myself crossing. But I can think of scenarios where I would understand people resorting to it.

  • Well, How Not To Die sold a lot of books, but he claims to give ALL book sales to charity and encourages readers to rent his books from libraries and to friends. Before his bestseller, he was on the road for years giving speeches, sleeping in his car. He doesn’t sell any supplements, merchandise or snakeoil. This is not your typical behavior to get rich fast, is it?
    Yeah he wants to spread a message, and this message is based on science. My public health insurance and even the states society for nutrition (Germany) shares the same recommendations by now, 10 years after How Not To Die was released. To me, he is more like the guy who discovered that leaded gasoline is highly harmful to humans and can’t stop talking about it.

  • Meine Beiden sind unter 10, ich habe sehr gemischte Gefühle. Einerseits haben Menschen schon immer Kinder bekommen, in Situationen die schrecklich waren und ausweglos erschienen. Jetzt kollektiv damit aufzuhören und unsere Spezies, unsere Lebensgrundlagen, unseren Planeten, alles aufzugeben, fühlt sich für mich komisch an. Ich brauche Hoffnung, auch wenn mir die Realität sehr klar ist.
    Andererseits versuche ich meinen Beiden das beste Vorbild zu sein. Wir essen kein Fleisch, kaufen gebraucht, fliegen nicht und gehen demonstrieren. Ich weiß, dass das nicht reicht, aber es sind Dinge die uns weit bringen, wenn alle mitmachen würden. Mal sehen was aus ihnen wird.
    Eins noch: Ich habe dieses Buch gelesen und fand es extrem gut.

  • You discredit a webpage that cites all it’s scientific sources and call Michael Greger a quak because two people think some aspects of a study he cites are inaccurate?! That’s your argument? The study has pissed off the entire food industry, of course there are people who disagree with it. And even these two don’t question the basic message: Whole food plant based diet is by far the best diet to heal our bodies and our planet. Is that his bias?
    What are you fighting, Commie?