• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Tedesche@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldThose of you who don't vote, why?
    2 months ago

    I encourage you to reconsider and vote for whatever you perceive to be the least of all evils. Voting is relatively easy and doesn’t require much effort. It’s literally the least you can do. Yes, may not matter in the end, but it can still inform certain statistics that can be used to support various messages and arguments down the line. If you don’t vote at all, you guarantee you have no impact. Don’t throw away the little power you have.

  • Agreed. I don’t understand why this is so difficult a concept for people who claim to be trying to help women. Banning certain head garments because they’re “symbolic of women’s oppression” is just another way of restricting women’s choices and doesn’t promote their independence at all. Just let women choose how to dress themselves, same as men, it’s really not that complicated.

  • It starts with “huh those are some interesting ideas” and before you know it you’ll be screaming about vaccines and praying for Trump to make a comeback.

    Oh, please, stop. Telling people not to expose themselves to certain bits of information or perspectives is just another form of bigotry. I read two of Ayn Rand’s books, because her ideas were new and fascinating to me. That didn’t turn me into a libertarian or stop me from seeing the flaws in her ideology. But I am now more educated and less likely to be influenced by libertarian arguments as a result.

    Try having discussions with people who you feel have the wrong ideas about things rather than telling them to avoid “wrongthinkers” altogether.

  • I heard about it early on and actually went to visit the sub out of curiosity when it was still somewhat innocent. There were definitely misogynistic posts there already, but plenty of innocent ones as well that didn’t blame women for the outcome. I remember later on there was even a post made by one of the mods about how he was retiring from the sub, because it had been taken over by the misogynists and no longer served the purpose it was intended to. I would bet you have met men that qualify under the original definition, but who don’t identify with the label now because of what it’s come to be associated with.

  • Cute, and forgive me for getting serious in a humor thread, but I can’t stand how the term “incel” has come to functionally mean “any guy who exhibits entitlement towards women.” I’m not blaming OP for this nor really anyone else, it’s just a disappointing thing that’s happened in society IMO. Incel started as a term for men who felt depressed about being unable to find a female partner, and the subreddit they created was originally a supportive space for them. Then it got taken over by angry misogynists and the term became associated with them, while the original group just kind of got forgotten about. That original group deserves attention and empathy as well as the term they coined; the latter group isn’t even “involuntarily celibate,” as they play a very big role in their own celibacy.

    Anyway, sorry for ruining the mood if I have, I just think more people should give some thought to who that term originally belonged to.