Deutsche Welle wird anders als die öffentlich rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten nicht gebührenfinanziert, sondern aus Steuermitteln des Bundes. Ihre Aufgabe ist es gemäß Deutsche-Welle Gesetz:
Sie sollen deutschen und anderen Sichtweisen zu wesentlichen Themen vor allem der Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft sowohl in Europa wie in anderen Kontinenten ein Forum geben mit dem Ziel, das Verständnis und den Austausch der Kulturen und Völker zu fördern. Die Deutsche Welle fördert dabei insbesondere die deutsche Sprache.
Ich denke es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass die Vorwürfe hier konkreter sind, ähnliche Vorwürfe aber auch für andere deutsche und internationale Medien (da durchaus auch konkreter) bestehen.
Da die DW auch in zahlreichen anderen Sprachen publiziert, ist das Team insgesamt internationaler und es gibt zwangsläufig mehr Pluralität an Sichtweisen, sodass interne Kritik füher laut wird und mehr Sachen intern auf Kritik stoßen als in anderen Medien. Ich denke es ist naheliegend, dass beispielsweise bei Axel-Springer kaum interne Kritik denkbar ist, weil schon beim Auswahlprozess sehr stark gesiebt wird, und auch sonst die Strukturen auf Machtdurchsetzung von oben getrimmt sind.
How about not creating dangerous and potentially deadly situations in traffic, no matter how much we disdain the cars brand or think the other driver is an asshole?
You cut off the Tesla, the Tesla breaks, the car behind crashes and the whole thing might turn into a mass accident with dozens of injuries and some people killed…
The British were heavily involved in slave trade. They built the whole inudstry of the american colonies around bringing slaves there, selling the product in Britain and then selling some British stuff to the slavers in Africa to buy more slaves. They royal fanily derived a lot of its wealth from slave trade.
An explosion sparks theories. The author had fun with the headline
Die AfD iat auch gleichzeitig einer der lautesten Israel-Ubterstützer in Deutschland und Treiber z.B. hinter der BDS Resolution 2019. Die AfD nutzt das um gegen Linke und Muslime zu hetzen. Auch israelische Lobbygruppen wie die deutsch israelische Gesellschaft oder der Zentralrat der Juden (der von Schuster & co. In den letzten Jahren zu einer Lobbygruppe für Israel umgebaut wurse) stoßen in das gleiche Horn, auch wenn sie sich sonst von der AfD distanzieren.
Auch historisch gab es oft eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Antisemiten und Zionisten, etwa dem britischem Lord Balfour, der die Grundlagen für die Gründung des Staates Israels geschaffen hat, als die Region noch britisches “Mandatsgebiet” war.
Antisemiten sind oft auch Ethnonationalisten und das passt gut mit dem zionistiachem Ethonationalismus zusammen.
Der Anschlagsort passt zu nichts so richtig. Der Verdächtige scheint in vielerlei Hinsicht völlig durch zu sein.
“Israel will not withdraw from all of Gaza. Otherwise 7th of october would be repeated in the time to come”
So he demands an indefinite occupation, which utlimately means annexation, in particular as Israeli settler terrorists as well as government ministers are making plans for settling in Gaza.
Thank you for that twitter workaround link.
As for weapons deliveries another 100 million € worth have been approved since August and are currently in delivery or in part have arrived already.
As current information indicates radical hate of all religions and insane claims of German police furthering the “islamization” of Germany.
Going by the stuff the suspect wrote on his twitter it seems stochastic terrorism from the far right worked once again. Just that this time the victims aren’t brown, queer or jewish, but “normal” (by the far rights idea) Germans.
On Monday the spokesmen of the foreign ministry of Germany said, that Israel is acting to defend “legitimate security interests” in Syria and that these would also align with the interests of the Syrians. Therefore these interests would have to be considered in balancing it with international law…
Again the inaction and defense of blatant crimes committed by Israel is motivating them to continue and escalate these. The US, UK, Germany and others are highly complicit in furthering them.
Kurz ernstgemeint:
Ich möchte keinesfalls die Opfer und Angehörigen des Terroranschlags damit verletzen oder den Anschlag ins Lächerliche ziehen. Ich habe auch die Aufnahmen aus der Vogelperspektive gesehen, k.P. ob das von einer Drohne oder stationären Kamera kam und mein Magen hat sich umgedreht.
Was mich ankotzt ist, wie sofort eine Instrumentalisierung von ebenjenen Rechten und Rechtsextremen angelaufen ist, denen der mutmaßliche Täter idelogisch nahesteht und zu denen er z.T. wohl auch Kontakte gefplegt hat.
He called for people to oppressed, discriminated and murdered. It seems he wanted everyone dead who he considered to not follow his will. If he wants freedom of religion for himself, he would have to grant it to everyone else too.
The only “logic” in there is egomania. And that is where these ideologies come together. They deem one group or person superior to others based on arbitrary categories.
Given how direct some of his statements were, including his calls for “revenge” on Germans and that he has been making these sort of statements for years, it is quite concerning that there was no earlier action by the police against him. We’ve seen these kind of “blind spots” with a lot of Nazi terrorism in Germany, like around the NSU terror cell and its vast network of supporters.
Dagegen anzukommen setzt voraus, dass die demokratischen bis noch-demokratischen Parteien und Medien dem eine klare Absage erteilen und es bei jeder Gelegenheit als rechten Terror kommunizieren.
Doch ich fürchte, dass es auch da wenig Interesse daran geben wird.
Die Union schielt schon auf Koalitionsoptionen mit der AfD. Und die ehemaligen Ampel-Parteien müssten dann ihr Versagen bei der Verhinderung rechter Terrorattacken und ihren falschen Fokus auf (vermeintlichen) Linksextremismus, sowie Abschiebungen und “kriminelle Ausländer” öffentlich eingestehen.
Something the Tagesspiegel won’t mention. The suspect also supported Israels annexation of Palestinian Land and annihilation of Palestinians, as well as Israels invasion of Syria on his twitter account. This could be relevant as Palestinians have some of the oldest christian communities and places like Bethlehem are in occupied Palestinian land.
Please excuse the indirect source. His twitter profile wasn’t accessible for me this morning.
The amalgamation of Islamophobia/Radical anti-religiousness, Fascism and Imperialism is now also killing native Europeans directly. This is an inevitable result of these ideologies centered around devaluing human life.
All state who are members of the ICC accords are legally obliged to execute arrest warrants if a suspected war criminal is stepping into their territory.
So if Netanyahu was to set foot onto Poland the Polish government would be obliged to make the Polish police arrest Netanyahu and then send him to The-Hague. Same would go for Putin, but i am not sure if the Polish government would manage to capture him alive if he was to set foot there.
They have been getting traction consistently and German politics moved significantly to the right over the past years. Now supposedly progressive parties like the social democrats and greens spout stuff that five years ago was exclusive to the AfD and maybe the fringes of the Bavarian CSU.
Even if they don’t govern they get their way more and more, which helps normalising their positions more and more, which gives them more and more votes.
Buying governments really pays off it seems.
For anyone wondering about the far-right “label”. The AfD among other things has multiple people in their ranks who used to be member of outlawed Nazi terror organizations. One of their most popular politician, Björn Höcke lost a defamation case, because the court ruled that there is enough indicators that calling him a fascist is a factual statement rather than an insult. He also most likely wrote articles in the journal of the former NPD, now called Heimat (homeland) under the pseudonym Landolf Ladig, where he shows his classic, as in Hitler classis, nationalist ideology. The NPD was ruled to be an enemy of the constitution a few years back but was not forbidden because the ECJ ruled that forbidding unconstitutional parties requires them to also be politically relevant.
It is so annoying that this is true and could have been easily prevented by focusing on renewable energies and electric vehicles sooner, instead of artificially slowing them down. Europe could be a lot less dependent on energy imports already.
Well it wasn’t her directly and alone, but her family who used to rule Bangladesh until a few months back. I wouldn’t be surprised if other corrupt authoritarians have amassed similar or more money in bribes throughout their reign. Putins private residence is estimated to have cost more than a billion dollar too.
The crazy part is that she became a high ranking minister in the UK despite her family ties. Even if it wasn’t for the money, her Aunt has a lot of blood on her hands.
I am from Germany. I am used to people pulling crazy reckless maneuvers in their BMW, Mercedes, Audi or now Teslas too. But they pull this shit at 220 kph, so any slight miscalculation and you get half a dozen people killed.