Your resident human error.
Lyrics are performed in the game’s own Dwarven Language
Mother’s Cake - I’m your President is one I can think of.
Good stuff. I assume you already know:
The Citadel from Mass Effect
With this playing on repeat
Die Hard Trilogy
That is not really true. You can ignore the persons you meet completely and play the whole game on your own. Also, you can only interact through audio effects and a small proximity effect, to charge your scarve. They are more like a ghost, playing alongside you.
Journey is the only other one I can think of.
Sehr cool, viel Interessantes dabei.
Aber leider alles nur zur Abholung =(
That’s hilarious.
Before they became boring.
True, but I think that the microphone communication that Binary Domain offers is a unique feature that OP will appreciate.
“Binary Domain” is an option. You are almost all the time accompanied by 1-3 NPCs of your Team. The game also has a, more or less working, voice System to talk to your team through your microphone. That way you can give orders and have some small talk. The game is quite good, give it a try.
Doom 1 and, to some extent, 2. Honestly.
I know exactly what you are looking for and the classic Doom games are perfect for this, because they are simple, yet they still feel good to play.
Not too fast, not too slow. No jump scares, only some light puzzles if you want to hunt secrets. There is almost a rhythm to the combat, especially if you play with the shotgun. Try them.
Ja, das wird es wohl sein.
Ist das nicht sowieso schon über das CanG geregelt?
Aus dem Artikel:
“Bis Ende Oktober kommenden Jahres darf montags bis freitags von 7.00 Uhr morgens bis 18.00 Uhr abends nicht gekifft werden. Konkret betrifft es den Bereich rund um das Rathaus und das Einkaufszentrum „K in Lautern“ – von der Meuthstraße bzw. Humboldtstraße im Norden bis zur Fruchthallstraße im Süden.”
Aus dem CanG:
CanG §5 (2) Der öffentliche Konsum von Cannabis ist verboten:
5. in Fußgängerzonen zwischen 7 und 20 Uhr
Beim Rainald Grebe Intro war ich noch dabei, danach haben sie mich dann schnell verloren. Dabei hätten sie einfach nur POL1Z1STENS0HN reposten müssen.
Wusste nicht, dass er solo weitergemacht hat. Danke für den Post.
Oh, that must be exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time, seeing your characters come to life. How do you convey what you imagine the characters to sound and act like?