• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I like how people take Fukushima and Chernobyl as examples for disasters. Please go look up how many people have died from those disasters. Please go check. I’ll wait. Chernobyl: 2 Fukushima: 0

    Are you really that dillusional that you think that the only casualties are the people who died in the incident? Hundreds of peoples suffered from cancer and other long term effects alone in chernobyl. The area is still hazardous to people (as some ‘clever’ Russian invaders just proofed two years ago)

    Please go check. I’ll wait.

    PlEaSe Go ChEcK. I’lL wAiT.

    Please just grow up, kiddo

  • The above comment have been deleted so I cannot judge what was said

    Are you sure? I can still read it? It downplayed the top level comment and said the French have the cheapest electricity because of ‘cheap’ nuclear power production.

    Furthermore, what you state is plainly wrong:

    • France export more than import energy

    No I am not. I stated that the need for importing energy is dangerously high when the nuclear plants are offline. The averaged annual export / import balance is a different number. Comparing both doesn’t make sense. Additional France WAS a net exporter. 2022 it was importing more than exporting. Here is a source:


    Nuclear Power plant goes down first on the network because there are more “pilotable” meaning you can start it or reduce their output more easily than others sources of electrical power

    Well, I think, gas goes down first. But anyway this is unrelated to my comment. I was talking about shutdowns due to technical issues and repairments. The larger one 2022 is also the reason why the ex/import balance shifted. Just as I claimed.


    the caping of electricity price is a leftist policy, the right has nothing to do with it

    Sure it’s a leftist policy. I didn’t say it was a right wing policy. I said it was implemented to dampen the effects on inflation. Rising prices fueled (and still fuels) fears in the population which the right wing parties happily exploit.

    France economy is instable right now yes, but pinning this on government debt is surely a drastic oversimplification of the problem and is more telling of your view of my Country than the effective state of our economy

    I didn’t pinned down anything myself. The concerns of economists and the EU are indeed about France fiscal deficits. The EU started a penalty process just a few days ago because of it


    France is in debt to the tune of around €3 trillion, or more than 110 percent of gross domestic product, and a deficit of €154 billion, representing 5.5 percent of economic output. The budget crunch comes after Mr. Macron spent heavily to support workers and businesses during pandemic lockdowns. His government also provided subsidies to help households cope with a jump in inflation after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which sent energy prices soaring.

    but pinning this on government debt is surely a drastic oversimplification of the problem and is more telling of your view of my Country than the effective state of our economy

    Next time when calling someone ‘plainly wrong’ try using sources and arguments instead of an ad hominem

  • Um zu den anderen ein paar Dinge zu ergänzen:

    Welche Impfungen empfohlen werden findest du im Internet unter ‘stiko’. Die machen die empfehlungen. Darunter die Klassiker wie Mumps/Masern/Röteln, Tetanus, Polio, Pneumococcen uvm. Im übrigen wird hpv auch empfohlen - aber nur bei mädchen. Je nach Kasse zahlen die es aber auch bei männern.

    Erste Ansprech und Beratungsstellen gibt es auf den Ämtern. Je nachdem wie alt du bist, ist das Jugendamt oder das Sozialamt zuständig. Informiere dich mal im Internet auf der Seite deiner Stadt. Da sitzen extra Leute die dafür bezahlt werden Leute wie dich zu beraten.

    Für STDs gibt es dezidierte Beratungsstellen und Vereine. Verhütungsmethoden sind nicht nur fürs nicht-Kinder kriegen relevant. Informiere dich erst ausführlich darüber. Aber eine Beziehung ist denke ich jetzt erstmal dein geringeres Problem. Bring erstmal alles in geregelte Bahnen. Dann musst du dich auch gar nicht mehr fragen wie du in so einer Situation eine Partnerin findest, wenn es die Situation nicht mehr gibt.

  • The French? You’re joking, right? Your nuclear plants are most of the time turned off because they aren’t working properly which destabilizes the entire European grid because you need to import so much electricity from your neighbours.

    The only reason why your electricity is still so cheap is because your nuclear plants are so heavily subsidised by the state and the exploding energy prices in the recent past have also been capped by the state fearing the right wing uprise. (Happening nevertheless) An action which ripped deep holes in the government’s funding which is the cause why economists are nowadays more afraid of France’s instable economy and government debt than even Greece’s.

    So yeah, your electricity is cheap because you basically f*cked yourself

  • Das Rezept habe ich neu ausprobiert. Das Original nimmt 200g Nüsse, 100g Zucker, 3g gemahlenen Rosmarin und Salz nach Geschmack (ich mags weniger salzig und habe ca 1g genommen). Allerdings würde ich nächstes Mal die Zuckermenge verringern oder die Nüsse auf 300g erhöhen. Da war so viel Zucker am Ende in der Pfanne über. Oh und man sollte den Zucker auch nicht (in Teilen) durch Honig ersetzen. Das Endprodukt wird so viel klebriger. ^^"