• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • Growing up, my mom always, always cut my sandwiches in half to make two rectangles. I asked her why at some point, and she said when she was growing up, her mother always cut her sandwiches into triangles, and she hated it. So when she moved out, she basically vowed to only cut sandwiches into rectangles.

    I hated the rectangles growing up, and cut all of mine into two triangles now that I’m on my own. 😆 Funny how the world works, hahaha

  • I interpreted it as “You hold beliefs that directly contradict the work you’re performing, therefore, you have a bias that needs to be shown wasn’t a factor in your research by having your research successfully replicated by those who do not share your bias.”

    A Crusade was never launched on behalf of science, people were never burned at the stake because of science, babies are not still being mutilated at birth against their will (circumcision or genital mutilation of young girls) because of science, and AIDs was not spread unchecked across the world due to government’s lack of science.

    It’s religion, it ruins literally everything, especially science.

  • He made “cis” a slur on Twitter because it upsets him that his ex who left him is trans, and he hates trans people. He’s had plenty of tweets and posts complaining about pronouns, trans people in general, and so on.

    I can’t speak to the misogyny (but I’m sure it’s there), but instead if arguing with people about you “jUsT aSkInG a QuEsTiOn” you could just Google “Elon Musk queerphobic tweets” and Google will supply plenty.

    I did, and the first two results were articles from former Twitter/X employees claiming there were homophobic and anti-semitic attacks on the platform after Musk took over. So yeah… Not sure what you want anyone here to do for you that you can’t do yourself via a Google search, you clearly know how to type, and the phrase I suggested is less characters than all your comments combined.

    Edit: And then after you did some googling and found the answers, you could edit your comment to say, “Wow, hey guys, I was wrong, he really is misogynistic queerphobic piece of shit,” and be done with it, instead of doubling down like a troll.

  • I disagree, it’s annoying in general.

    If I need to go around, say, a mail truck parked on the side of the road, the steering assist in our work van starts to rumble or shake or whatever it does. If there’s construction, you guessed it, it doesn’t understand that I have to cross over the line to continue driving, and if I have a turn signal on, the cop/worker directing traffic is going to expect me to go that way.

    If a car is driving in the opposite direction and starts to ride/cross the double yellow lines, me moving over causes the vehicle to resist and fight me, potentially putting me into an accident because I didn’t think to put my turn signal on in a split-second situation.

    My car should not be able to, idk what word I’m looking for, override me? People need to take driving more seriously and stop handing off their responsibilities to a computer system/sensor that can not only fail, but also doesn’t understand real world applications.