• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • Look, I think it’s perfectly legit to chant Free Palestine, from the river to the sea, whatever. I also believe Israel is an ethnonationalist settler colony upholding a regime of apartheid and oppression, now conducting a genocide.

    But I also know Hamas from my friends from Gaza and they weren’t particularly liked ever. They are corrupt and have been stealing money & supplies for their own cause while people are living in poverty. There’s no freedom under Hamas. It’s very likely that they killed children & civilians on Oct 7. They suck.

    But with what’s happening now inside Gaza, if they’re there or not it doesn’t matter. People would be slaughtered anyway. That’s why I can understand the sentiment that whoever is fighting against the IOF atm is a “freedom fighter“, even though I think it’s short sighted and tbh I still don’t see that the majority of lemmy users would be Hamas supporters.

  • Look, I don’t know what kind of things matter in your personal life, what bothers you and what you stand up for. From what I understood in your post, you just want to mind your own business and not give a fuck about problems of some people far away. That’s fair and I understand that.

    My intention wasn’t to make you feel bad or confront you, and I really understand why you got tired of getting involved in random conflicts. I was too when I saw the invasion of Ukraine by Russia going down. I know it sucks and I feel sorry for the Ukrainans, but I felt the same way I couldn’t do much.

    Why what you call discussing about semantics is important for me is simply because this is not just a conflict between neighbors. This is indigenous people facing a setter colonial movement born in Europe not even 200 years ago. And this movement wants to wipe the Palestinians and their whole identity out. It’s literally people fighting for survival.

    I’m German-Palestinian and I have lost family in this most recent outbreak of violence and many past conflicts. And so have most of my Palestinian friends unfortunately. I have personally experienced what military occupation does to you, and I’ve experienced what apartheid feels like already as a child.

    But I think it isn’t true that it all doesn’t help. I’ve been arguing with strangers about this on Facebook more than 10 years ago when it was still unquestionable to criticize anything Israel does. Arguing in real life with people who had some edgy takes on people being bombed to shit. I went to protests where we were like 50 people. Have seen and supported activists since teenage years (nowadays mostly financially). I had my picture posted somewhere online when I was on a protest. Immigration at Ben Gurion Airport loved it, almost sent me back to Germany.

    Why I’m saying this is because I see that public opinion has shifted a lot. Politicians, especially German ones, still want to suppress our voices and equate all Palestinians with Hamas/Terrorists. But people aren’t having it anymore. Of course it doesn’t change things overnight. And I’m wondering how many more children need to be bombed until some old fucks realize how horrible the situation is.

    In any case if you actually read this, thanks, and I hope you see now why it was import to me to clear up some things even if maybe 2 other people are reading this.

  • China is also committing their own genocide against minorities, one of them the Uyghurs with concentration camps, forced sterilization and forbidding people to practice their religion.

    As a Palestinian I can tell you that we’re not interested in exchanging Israeli occupation for Iranian, Russian or Chinese occupation.

    Unfortunately I don’t know who’d be a real and credible ally. I feel strong support from many Latin American countries, the Irish, Scottish, South Africans. But do they have enough influence to broker something? I don’t think so