JBO/Pavarotti Version:
JBO/Pavarotti Version:
Why do you link to that educationbooks thingy and not the real guy?
Bereiche 1,2,3 im Getriebe zum regulären fahren? Mein erstes Auto war von 1977, also 10 Jahre jünger. Da gab’s schon normal D für drive. Also P, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1. Also auf 3, 2 und 1 war nur für die Motorbremswirkung der höchste Gang beschränkt. Und es stand noch “Automatic” an der Heckklappe neben dem “Golf” Schriftzug.
The battery in the picture looks a lot like the one from my old Bosch lawnmower.
Needs Intel WiFi / Bluetooth chipset. So it doesn’t work on my AMD PC. And it doesn’t find my phone on my surface pro 7.
Doesn’t even work on windows. (So I went for LocalSend)
Our dream (my SO and me) is to ride our motorcycles to Japan (from Central Europe). At this time the northern route is politically difficult. The southern route has always been difficult but would be the better option at this time, I think. We even discussed ideas of plans. She could take a half year off, for me it would be more difficult. But the funds would be the biggest issue. So plan B is to rent motorcycles for a week or two, next time we’re in Japan.
Missing status LED. I’d like to deactivate the always on screen feature.
Reminded me of that beer ad from Hamburg, around 20 years ago. “You are here”.
Found it on maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ivjnRK76Zgk9fnce7?g_st=ac
Sounds like rich people are paying to get the ads removed.
I played it multiple times back in the day. This year I played the switch version. The only thing missing there is the In Extremo show.
I still had a Tda7492p board laying around. That’s a stereo Bluetooth 4.0 board with 2x50W (8-25V).
I made Franken - Bluetooth speakers. Works better than I thought. One 3rd party ryobi battery is enough for a festival week. The second Bosh lawnmower battery adaptor works fine too.
The only thing is that both devices need to be in the same WiFi net. But it also works on the road when the laptop uses the phones Hotspot.
Electric Callboy: Sorry! We’ll rename. Austria: …
https://oracleofbacon.org/ Mine is 4. But I live in Europe.
Billiger wie überall.