Hey guys, Changed ISP to Aussie Broadband yesterday, and suddenly can’t seem to connect to my server using my domain (still can connect in the local network). Aussie Broadband uses CGNAT, and I opted out of that, but I still can’t seem to use the server… am I missing some router settings I might need to change? Any other ideas?

Server firewall is off, ports 443 and 80 are forwarded to the servers nginx proxy manager etc. Using ddns that ASUS provides with their routers and Cloudflare domain

Thanks for any help!

  • andrew@lemmy.stuart.fun
    10 months ago

    Does your new ISP allow 80 and 443? I was under the impression that’s pretty rare for ISPs though I’m not sure that’s true in Australia. Mine only allows 443 but not 80 “to prevent Internet worms from spreading and to protect bandwidth.” 🙄

      • andrew@lemmy.stuart.fun
        10 months ago

        Right, but if I can’t redirect (ISP just drops packets afaict) and you don’t explicitly type https:// or use an https link, and I don’t have something like HSTS preload configured for that domain, your browser will just hang if it’s on my system. You can’t just type “lemmy.stuart.fun” and have it work unless you happen to hit my hairpin, i.e. be on my network.

        Mostly I try to keep things I want publicly available on .dev and it just works thanks to the full .dev HSTS preload. But it’s still annoying.