• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Heaven forbid we try running charismatic candidates like Obama and Bill…

    Like, it’s insane to me that everyone seems to be aware of what wins elections, but the people running the Dem party just keep insisting we need to shut up and vote for someone very few people actually want.

    Like, we can’t do this without the voters, they’re the irreplaceable part.

    We can get different people to run the party, or just coalesce around another.

    • Clent@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Democrats need to fall in love. Republicans just need to fall in line.

      It’s like you read the meme and went yep, totally their fault. I’m ok with my life gets shittier until I fall in love with a politician. It’s not my fault. I am owed this.

      Is there a term for the political version of an incel?

      • Wrench@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Yes. It’s called a political agitator.

        This user canvases lemmy threads with anti Biden and anti Dem strawman arguments completely out of context of the thread. Every thread calling out Republicans for bullshit, this user is there never acknowledging how terrible the GOP is, and going straight into anti dem whataboutism.

        Just look at the sheer number of comments this user posts daily. And search the mod logs for deleted comments on this user.

        If they’re not being paid to disenfranchise progressive voters into abstaining from this election, they should look for a sponsor because they’re working for free.

          • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Your car has a blown head gasket. It still turns over, but the check engine light is always an on the oil looks like peanut-butter.

            You need to drive 100 miles to get to the airport tomorrow. All the indications you have suggest your car isn’t going to make it. Every piece of reliable data you have says its not going to work. Historically, people have tried to use cars like this to get to the air port, it doesn’t work. You have friends and family members with cars would happily drive you to the airport. You could even just borrow their car. Technically you haven’t decided what car to drive to the airport yet; this actually doesn’t happen till you and your family have a group call tonight. You have alternatives.

            Biden is the car. Literally any generic Democrat is the car of your friends or family. The group call is the convention.

            You are insisting on a strategy that is going to hand Trump the election. When it does, we’ll be pointing to these posts of yours.

            Insisting we run Biden when we haven’t had a convention and literally every Democratic governor polls higher is you insisting we lose this one.

              • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                You are the one not taking it seriously. I watched Kerry fail to Bush. I watched Clinton fail to Trump.

                Biden won in 2020 in spite of being Biden. It’s 4 years later and he’s become a worse candidate. This candidate can’t win.

                You need to take this shit seriously instead of insisting on a strategy that guarantees us Trump.

                  • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    Don’t block these guys, it’s what they want.

                    And I don’t mean that in a “don’t give them the satisfaction” way. I mean that’s what they’re paid to do. When people like us block people like them, it’s easier for them to spread their propaganda. Because we don’t call it out, because we don’t see it.

                    Blocking someone is not silencing them, it’s just plugging your ears.

                  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    You are completely detached from reality. Go look up the Gallup polling data and check my methods. I’ve explained them clearly enough to be reproduced.

                    You aren’t interested in a conversation grounded in reality, and you just can’t comprehend something that doesn’t agree with your assumptions.

                    Bidens not winning this election. He hasn’t been the whole time. In 450 days he hasn’t been leading in polling. He’s a fucking disaster, and you and others who insist this guy who is visibly incapable of winning are the ones responsible for Trump.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Like. lets talk about what happened.

      it’s reasonable to claim that Gore actually won in 2000. There were sixty one thousand votes that had not been machine-counted because of rampant, clearly partisan, bullshit reasons (among them “hanging chad”,). the Florida Supreme Court ordered a manual count of those ballots with SCOTUS, lead by Scalia, decided to stay because the recount would give Bush a veneer of “illegitimacy”. (gee. wonder why, ya fucking partisan hack.) To be perfectly clear, Gore lost Florida (and the electoral college) by 570 votes. The decision in Bush V. Gore to stay the manual recount basically handed Bush the win. (and, I might add, cast doubt on the legitimacy of bush’s win. it was handed by a court that had no business ordering that stay. But did anyway, because they’re partisan hacks. I’m not angry, honest.)

      Kerry flip-flopped more than a fish out of water, making it hard for independents and centrists to know what his positions actually were. 2 years prior to the election he was, for example, staunchly against gay marriage (and lets be honest, the US was very hostile to gay marriage then. There’s been a massive sea change in that, but it hadn’t happened yet.), but in 2004 signed a letter urging Massachusetts to not outlaw gay marriage. Further, he had the personality of a cold fish. and his running mate was an empty suit with nothing to back it up- who couldn’t even deliver his home State of North Carolina… In short, you had a couple warm bodies running. At the time, Bush was still riding high off 9/11 and the Iraq war and americans were still angry at that; the war wasn’t unpopular yet. Katrina hadn’t happened yet, and Bush was still reasonably popular. So, of fucking course Kerry lost.

      Hillary. Where do we begin? her emails? lets start there.

      Sure, “HeR EmAiLs” and “LoCk HeR uP” is an idiotic rallying cry of MAGA morons everywhere. But, even so, she conducted official Sec of State business on a personal email routinely. It’s such a great rallying cry because it actually has some teeth. it should be scandalous. Even if she was perfectly not-at-all-corrupt, it looks that way. I- and most everyone else- would be legitimately fired for conducting that level of business off a personal email. it should be 100% unacceptable. Not saying she should have been locked up or grilled the way she was. But seriously. It looked bad. and it played in the news.

      Then we got Benghazi. an American ambassador died in a terrorist attack. There’s some things that hindsight says they could have done differently. Republicans latched onto it for political theater, with 10 different investigations and multiple sessions of grilling Clinton, who even then was the presumptive nominee to replace Obama. there was some funding that her office denied, she might not even have been aware that “she” denied it. Hindsight’s a bitch. Anyhow… the republican shenanigans played well in the media.

      Oh. “Super Criminals”. Hillary was very unpopular with minority voters- particularly Black and Latinos. sound clips calling for law-and-order tough-on-crime calling black people “super criminals” didn’t help. there was a lot there, especially with her attitude, but in the end they simply didn’t show up for her. Even if you look at women voters, she under-performed compared to Obamma. (i mean, he looks mighty fine in a tan suit… sorry, sorry. couldn’t resist.) Like, how unpopular do you have to be as a woman, to lose women voters from Obama’s election, when you’re running against Donald- “grab them by the pussy”, “When you’re that rich they let you do it”, “Octopus-Arms” -Trump.

      Lets also talk about how she boosted trump specifically because he was “a clown” or whatever. She gave us trump and then proceededly arrogantly not campaign in key states.

      oh, and there’s more that I just don’t have time to get into… but we got Whitewater, Travelgate, filegate; and shit rolls down hill so lets toss in Paula Jones and Monika Lewinsky scandals. Like there’s a lot of smoke there, and there might be a couple fires, or maybe they’re just really not that corrupt as people and it’s all a big missunderstanding. but again, that plays in the media, and it looks bad. Hilary was the definition of The Establishment™️ running against an anti-establismhent candidate. Of fucking course she’s gonna lose, and she really didn’t help matters by fucking around with not campaigning in key swing states because, “naw, it’s fucking trump”.

      Yup. so aside from Gore, there’s really rather good reasons to have not liked them, and the DNC idiots thought they new better and ran them anyhow… and we got fucked because of it. blaming voters for your own stupid blunders seems to be a DNC favorite. And they’re doing it again.