Sausages are a staple of German street food, and yet most places serve sausages in a round “semmel” bun. But the sausages are long (duh) so they just beg for a longer bun. Why do you think hot-dog-style buns aren’t more popular?

    1 year ago

    FWIW, my first hot dog (described to me by my father as „ein heißer Hund“) was served to me in a long breadroll, made out of European-style white bread (the non-foamy kind). The breadroll was hollowed out and open on one side, so the sausage could be slipped in, along with a helping of (Gewürz?)ketchup. Loved that shit! A bit a googling seems to suggest that these are called “French Hot Dogs”.

    Years later I was very confused when I came upon traditional “American” hot dogs.