In Finnish we have “kissanristiäiset” (literally means a cat’s christening), which means some trivial and meaningless celebration/event.

    9 months ago

    Aussie subtleties of the c-word.

    1. “Silly Cunt” = funny person (endearing)

    2. “Stupid Cunt” = complete idiot (serious)

    3. “Dumb Cunt” = a good mate acting stupid (jovial)

    4. “This Cunt” = referring to a good mate who’s done/said something uniquely odd (jovial)

    5. “Acting like a Cunt” = acting terribly (serious)

    6. “Don’t be a Cunt” = stop acting terribly (serious)

    7. “Bunch of Cunts” = all your good mates (endearing)

    8. “Good Cunt” = the best compliment you can receive (endearing)

    9. “Dog Cunt” = the worst insult you can receive (get ready to fight)

    10. “Shit Cunt” = insult (serious)

    11. “Bit of a Cunt” = insult (jovial)

    9 months ago

    There’s a bunch of weird ones in Portuguese.

    • “Caroço de manga não é sabonete” Do you think that mango seed is soap? = “this is an absurd proposal/situation/etc.”
    • “Pobre só sobe na vida quando o barraco explode” Poor people only ascend on life when the [shit]shack explodes. = “don’t expect social ascension”
    • “Enquanto vem com o milho, já comi a polenta.” While you’re bringing the corn, I already ate the polenta. = “I’ve already handled this, you’re too late.”
    • “um polaco de cada colônia” a Pole from each settlement = a bunch of randomly picked people or items. I don’t think that people use this too much outside Paraná.
    • “farinha do mesmo saco” flour from the same bag = extremely similar in some aspects that matter (and usually negative ones)
    • “comer o pão que o diabo amassou” to eat the bread kneaded by the devil = to go through rough times
    • “Vai chupar prego até virar tachinha!” Go suck an [iron] nail until it becomes a thumbtack! = somewhat polite way to tell someone to fuck off
    • “Vai ver se estou na esquina.” *Go check if I’m around the corner." = also a way to tell people to fuck off
    • “anta quadrada” squared tapir = “anta” tapir is used to call someone stupid, so anta quadrada is stupid to the power of two.
    • “anta cúbica” cubed tapir = because some people do some really, really stupid shit.
    • “mais louco que o Requião de pedalinho” crazier than Requião on a paddle boat = Requião is a politician here in Paraná known for his crazy antics. The phrase highlights that something is completely fucking crazy. Clearly local.
    • “teu cu” your arse[hole] = definitively, clearly, and blatantly “no”.
  • The Snark
    9 months ago

    In Australia people who mean business say “I’m not here to fuck spiders.” I think that’s just wonderful.

    In America we express suffering beyond words by saying we’re “living the dream”. And the Brits think we have an irony deficiency.

      9 months ago

      In France we’re not here to fuck flies

      We don’t mind others’ onions

      When someone is about to get late somewhere, we say « Tu vas te faire appeler Arthur » (literally « You’re gonna be called Arthur »)

      This expression came during the German occupation, when soldiers would shout « Acht Uhr » (« eight hour ») to people during curfew. It sounds like « Arthur » in French.

      Last one. « Faire le Jacques » (« acting like Jack ») means « playing dumb »