Social media post on Mastodon by Dan Moren.
It reads, “ My son just got me out of talking to a door-to-door cable salesman so I guess parenthood was all worth it.”
Social media post on Mastodon by Dan Moren.
It reads, “ My son just got me out of talking to a door-to-door cable salesman so I guess parenthood was all worth it.”
It’s ok to be rude. They were rude for showing up at your door in the first place.
Eh, I save rude for the second “Leave.” It’s a human being on the other side of the door. Half the time it’s some kid who just needed a job summer before college. I say hey, I don’t want solar panels right now, have a nice day.
Now, when you tell me to wait, as you stand on my porch, then I’m going to tell you to get off my porch. I still say please though, because my kids might be listening, and I strive to use good manners in all my interactions, in the hopes they will too. You can be firm and polite.
They chose to do an asshole job created by asshole employers.
I don’t have mercy for those people, they could have chosen so many other jobs.
Spoken like a true asshole.
I’d rather shovel shit than annoy others by doing such an asshole job. There always is a choice.
Even working in an Amazon warehouse is more fulfilling than invading peoples home trying to force them to buy whatever it is your employer wants to sell, using all kinds of dirty tactics.
There is nobody who has to do that.
How many assholes do we have on this ship?
“just get another job bro”. Easier said than done pal, being a door-to-door salesman isn’t exactly the most lucrative career in the first place, and everyone’s gotta eat.
I sympathise that they are currently in a period in their life where they are doing door-to-door sales for a wage.
Yep not to mention they are preying on you feeling rude and will take FULL advantage if you show any opportunity.