For over three years, European institutions have worked hard to develop and negotiate a groundbreaking EU supply chain law, with the aim of preventing and addressing human rights and environmental harm throughout companies’ supply chains. In mid-December, many celebrated the hard-reached agreement between the EU Council and Parliament on a draft law, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

But now, just before getting the law across the finish line, it risks being tripped up by a German government coalition partner, the FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei, or Free Democratic Party).

[Edit typo.]

    8 months ago

    The Economy™ the FDP is helping are a bunch of dodgy finance jugglers and tax dodgers who don’t give a flying shit about long term prospects, as long as the figures for the next quarter make the line go up. Short term profits on The financial markets™ is all that counts for neoliberal scum like the FDP.