I’ve definitely shared this concept or observation or whatever you want to call it before, but recent events have made me think of it again. I should clarify first that what I base this train of thought on isn’t entirely something that clicks for me, something I might not get into expressing, but it definitely makes you or at least me wonder why the implications in the train of thought aren’t considered, at least outside my occupation (since I’m in an occupation designed to work around the otherwise neglect of the concept), and I thought of running this by.

Back in the old days, it was common for business people to pay their workers more honestly, as in based on what they thought the worker seemed to deserve. Often the workers would seem underwhelmed. Organized criminals would then step in and say “you’ll get more out of us” and so that part of society grew. For some reason, the first thing within the mind of the people in charge, trying to assess everything, was “let’s invent this thing, we might call it the minimum wage”. Alrighty. So this side thinking, what do we think of it? Something happened, right?

So here is where the train of thought works into the picture. Matters of monetization are just one arena up the sleeve of bad actors. A lot of people feel abruptly socially isolated. When this happens, instinct is often to seek out companions. Social life might be dead or people might be avoidant. Someone I know is in such a situation. Along comes what might be called a bad actor. To them, they might see a potential extension of themselves with freedom of minimal effort. And voila, someone new joins the “bad crowd” or “dysfunctional crowd”.

Watching this unfold myself, I think to myself. Places have a “minimum reference point” for the topic of exchange/payment/whatever the word is, so then what does the non-thinking come from to apply this thought to the whole isolation thing mentioned? Anyone here have people they know who were absorbed into a bad part of society when everything seemed dead and thought “well, it’s not like anyone else was going to give them what they need”?

    • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      Right there with you. I understood none of it so here’s chatGPT’s intrepretation of it:

      They reminisce about how, historically, business people paid workers based on perceived merit, leading to feelings of underwhelm among workers. This dissatisfaction opened the door for organized criminals who promised better compensation, thus fostering a shadow economy. This historical anecdote sets up a discussion about the introduction of the minimum wage as a regulatory response to such economic exploitation.

      The author then draws a parallel between this economic dynamic and social dynamics. Just as bad actors exploited workers’ dissatisfaction, they argue that social isolation makes individuals vulnerable to negative influences. When people feel isolated and lack social support, they might be more likely to fall into bad company, similar to how workers turned to criminals for better pay.

      The crux of the argument is that just as there is a “minimum wage” to ensure fair economic treatment, there might be a need for a “minimum reference point” in social contexts to prevent isolation and the subsequent vulnerability to bad actors. The author is pondering why society doesn’t apply the same proactive thinking to prevent social isolation as it does to prevent economic exploitation.

      The concluding thoughts suggest that the author has observed people being drawn into negative social circles due to a lack of alternatives, similar to how workers once turned to criminals. They are calling for a societal reflection on how to provide better social support and prevent people from being lured into detrimental situations due to loneliness or isolation.

      Assuming this is correct I kind of understand what OP is saying but I still don’t get what they’re actually suggesting. Some form of mandatory socialization for isolated people perhaps?

          • I’m not sure I can give a larger part that 100% of it. I would recommend that you follow the advice of Northrop Frye and sit down and think before writing. The number of people who are misunderstanding or plain old not understanding what you are suggesting (if anything) should be a strong clue that you have communicated with stunning ineptness. To cite the linked document, these people (myself included) don’t know “whether [you] are pregnant or just have gas on the stomach”.

            Learn structure. Learn expression. Learn, in short, to think, remembering, as per Frye, that “there is no such thing as an inarticulate idea waiting to have the right words wrapped around it” but rather that “ideas do not exist until they have been incorporated into words”.

            Then, once you’ve actually solidified the thoughts in your own head so you understand yourself what they mean, try to communicate them again. You’ll find a lot less frustration that way.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    4 months ago

    Could you rephrase your proposed law in a few bullet points?

    I’m not sure what the objective is here. Being more mindful of sustainable business?

    • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOPM
      4 months ago
      1. Current law says people must follow wage law for workers

      2. This law is based on organized criminals gaming the competition

      3. Current law does not say people should give a certain level of social investment

      4. But should this be considered since it’s another avenue

      • jet@hackertalks.com
        4 months ago

        Okay. I think I understand.

        Right now wages are taxed, and companies paying wages are also taxed, that tax money goes to the government. The government is an organization of the people. Shouldn’t the taxes count as investing back into the social structure?

        • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOPM
          4 months ago

          I don’t mean the social structure. I mean citizens. Company. Companions. Those people who this place is typically all about. Some would say comradery itself is like money.

          • jet@hackertalks.com
            4 months ago
            1. Company offers a person a job for a certain amount of money.
            2. Person works the job
            3. Company pays person the amount of money agreed

            What would you add?

            • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOPM
              4 months ago
              1. Person is also provided for their social needs, parallel to the monetary needs.

              2. Person works the job

              3. Person goes home not feeling they need to hang out with that bad influence a few houses down because they wouldn’t need to under these circumstance

              4. Crime lowers itself because criminals hired to look for the isolated can’t find any low hanging fruit

              • onion@feddit.de
                4 months ago

                I don’t understand, do you want social services to be handled by private business instead of the government?