The Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-tester is a quantum mechanics thought experiment that uses interaction-free measurements to verify that a bomb is functional without having to detonate it. It was conceived in 1993 by Avshalom Elitzur and Lev Vaidman. Since their publication, real-world experiments have confirmed that their theoretical method works as predicted.
And since when is reality governed by majority opinion?
Anyway, maybe Copenhagen is right, and God does play dice. But if Many Worlds is right (and it seems more reasonable to me that “a bomb really does explode elsewhere in the wavefunction” has an observable effect on an experiment than “a bomb might have exploded but randomly decided not to” has any observable effect), then that’s a nail in the coffin for the simulation hypothesis.
Aw man
I’m NEVER gonna get that Nobel Prize…
You could always go for the Peace prize. If war criminals can get them, anybody’s got a shot.